Nursing Professionalism and Social Media Personal Essay

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More individuals are continuously joining social media making it an important aspect in the lives of the current generation. This platform allows individuals to share information related to their personal as well as social lives (Edge, 2017). This has led to recruiters using this platform to vet candidates during interviews as well as accessing information related to current employees where this may have a negative effect on employed individuals (Edge, 2017). It is important for employees to effectively use social media to avoid the negative effects associated with a wrongful use of this platform which may lead to termination of their employment as well as other legal processes (Edge, 2017). A review of my profile in different social sites reveals critical information as a healthcare professional with some being useful while some of the posts are not according to the professional standards of nursing.

Most of the posts reflect my personal life with little about my profession. Most of the pictures are pictures taken in social gatherings while having fun. Most of the social gatherings may have alcohol and other harmful substances that may negatively impact the health of individuals in diverse aspects (EveryNurse, 2018). Although no pictures of me using these substances, most of my friends have been caught on camera enjoying themselves which is inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing. Other posts involve some of the challenges that I experience in my work setting (EveryNurse, 2018).

This may paint a negative image of the nursing profession discouraging other individuals in joining the profession. Although most individuals participate in the conversations, no effective solution has been provided, as most of them do not have experience in some of the challenges experienced in a healthcare setting (EveryNurse, 2018). Considering the nursing shortage currently experienced in the nation, posting the challenges in my work setting may further worsen this crisis as more individuals willing to join the profession may be discouraged and choose other professions (EveryNurse, 2018).

Based on the ethical guidelines in the nursing profession, nurses have the responsibility of promoting the health of individuals and not doing anything that may negatively impact the health of individuals or the efforts of healthcare facilities in providing healthcare services (American Nurses Association, 2015). Nurses have the responsibility of health promotion through their functions as well as their character. This is because their personal reflections may negatively taint the image of nursing. Upholding a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing enhances trust with the public in undertaking their professional role of providing healthcare services (American Nurses Association, 2015). Failure to uphold these guidelines may lead to disciplinary action against the responsible nurses.

It is important for nurses to uphold high standards in different aspects of their personal lives which include how they present themselves in the social media (American Nurses Association, 2015). Personal conduct can violate HIPAA by exposing private and confidential information related to a patient or the healthcare sector. This has resulted to healthcare facilities implementing a HIPAA social media policy to prevent healthcare practitioners from sharing personal and confidential information to the public (American Nurses Association, 2015). Personal conduct may also be considered unethical in situations where a healthcare practitioner’s posts are not morally right based on the ethical nursing guidelines. This may include providing false information to the public or having intimate relationships with clients (American Nurses Association, 2015).

One area of my social media activity that reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals is loving all individuals regardless of their different backgrounds (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2018). Human dignity is an important aspect as this lays the foundation of our moral perceptions in the society. All individuals are the same before God and should be given the respect they deserve based on God’s love and not on other factors that include social or economic status in the community (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2018). Humans are special creatures that were created in the image of God which means that every individual should be respected and no one should post discriminative posts as these would negatively impact individuals.

Most of my posts and conversations respect human rights as every human is worthy before God (Edge, 2017). One area of my social media activity that can be improved is the unethical posts where most of them involve good times with my friends. Individuals undergoing tough times in their lives cannot be encouraged by these posts which makes it important to focus on the two sides of life which include the happy and joyful side as well as the tough times (Edge, 2017). This can be helpful in motivating patients and other individuals who might be undergoing tough times.


  1. American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurse with Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/coe-view-only
  2. Edge, W. (2017). Nursing Professionalism: Impact of Social Media Use among Nursing Students. Journal of Healthcare Communications, 2(3). doi: 10.4172/2472-1654.100068
  3. EveryNurse. (2018). How Nurses Should be Using Social Media. Retrieved from https://everynurse.org/blog/how-nurses-should-be-using-social-media/
  4. National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) (2018). A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media. Retrieved from https://www.ncsbn.org/NCSBN_SocialMedia.pdf

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Nursing Professionalism and Social Media Personal Essay. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/nursing-professionalism-and-social-media/



How can social media transform nursing practice?
Social media can transform nursing practice by providing a platform for nurses to share their knowledge, connect with other healthcare professionals, and engage with patients and their families. It can also help nurses stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices, and facilitate communication and collaboration within healthcare teams.
How nurses can use social media professionally?
Nurses can use social media to connect with colleagues and build professional relationships. Social media can also be used to find evidence-based information and resources.
What effect do social media have on the professional role of the nurse?
Social media can be a great resource for nurses to connect with other professionals and to stay up-to-date on new research and developments. However, social media can also be a source of distractions and nurses need to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of using social media in their professional role.
What nurses should not do on social media?
Nurses must not take photos or videos of patients on personal devices, including cell phones . Nurses should follow employer policies for taking photographs or videos of patients for treatment or other legitimate purposes using employer-provided devices.
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