Negative Impact of New Form of Conversation

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Back in the old day people would communicate through hieroglyphs, using carrier pigeons, writing letters, and in some circumstance even using codes like Morse code. Numerous advanced types of communication have been introduced over the years. Phone calling, text messaging, video calling, and social media. Even though these new advanced forms of communication are efficient they are negatively affecting people’s communication skills. The lack of face-to -face communication creates social anxiety, mental anxiety, and poor grammar. In other words, anti-social, shortcut taking, “phone junkies” (Price, 2018).

To begin, all the new types of communication are non-face-to-face forms. The lack of face to face interactions is the reason why a great amount of people experience social anxiety when they have to hold a conversation. The new form of communication is deteriorating vital communication skills (Westenberg, 2015). When people are in an awkward or boring conversion they resolute to pulling out their phone to resolve the conversation. Even if their phone is “dry”, are not getting any messages or notifications, they will still open apps just to close them instead of utilizing conversation skills to improving the conversation. Psychology professor, Shalini Misra conducted a study with hundred groups of two people (2015). The two people in the group held a conversation for about ten minutes (2015). The study concluded that the when someone pulled out their phone during their conversation the meaningfulness of the conversation decreased to the person they were conversing with (2015).

Have you ever had that heart dropping feeling when you misplaced your phone? You pat down your pockets or dump out all the belongings in your bag and, ask worriedly “Has anyone seen my phone?!” The aforementioned scenario is a result of the addictive connection smartphone users have with their phone. In her book How to Break up with your Phone, Catherine Price informs her readers that “this might seem like a dramatic term to use, given that we’re talking about a device, not a drug. But not all addictions are to drugs and or alcohol—-we can get addicted to behaviors, too…” (2018). Price’s point is people’s relationship with their phone is parallel to an alcohol’s relationship with alcohol to an extent because they are both addictions. Pulling out a smartphone when things are going downhill or even uphill is the same as an alcoholic taking a sip of an alcoholic beverage. The standard way of thinking about smartphone addiction as believed by Sarah Rose Cavanagh from the Article “No, Smartphones are not destroying a generation” is that they need to be used in moderation (2017). Just like everything else in the world that has negative and positive aspects.

Lol, ttyl, thx, plz, nvm…when the text message era occurred a new language was formed. The language of text messaging was the abbreviation of words and phrases to make the communication even quicker. But, just because something is done quicker does not necessarily mean that it is better. There were many cons to this new “language” such as the effect it took in in the class room and the way people communicated across the nation. This new texting language affected the writing of students across the nation. According to the Pew Research Center, text messaging was the most common form of communication with teenagers (Anderson, 2015). This new language affected the way the teenagers wrote in school. Turning an sat spelling level to a pre- kindergarten spelling level. When I was in school I remember my teachers repeatedly telling the class that; we cannot abbreviate regular words and we have to have sentence structure. Which translated to we cannot write how we text.

To conclude, I don’t know about other people but I would not have much trust in a carrier pigeon delivering my messages so, I am extremely grateful for the huge advancement communication has made over the years. However, the effects these forms of communication have on people are negative. Studies have shown that addiction to cell phones are turning people into anti-social, shortcut taking, phone junkies. Nowadays, a face-to-face conversation can almost never be held without someone itching for their phone. In addition, not only is verbal communication affected but so is professional written communication, such as letters. Finally, communication is vital it is the only way information and stories will be able to be passed from person to person. The skill of communication is too essential to lose, fast, poorly spelled messages.

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Negative Impact of New Form of Conversation. (2021, Apr 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/negative-impact-of-new-form-of-conversation/

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