Negative Effect of Mobile Technology Addiction

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Did you know that the number of mobile phones that exist today exceeds fifty percent of the world population? Technology has become a big part of our life. About 90% of adults in the world have a smart phone. although, we use this type of tools on our daily live, we leave aside the knowledge about how harmful these electronic devices could be for our mental and physical health. The addiction of mobile phones to our lives has brought serious effects to our health, such as: brain tumors, eye diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

If we consider the operation of mobile phones. They have radioactive waves of energy that increases the risk of developing a brain tumor at the neck level. A study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology provides alarming data about glioma or meningioma in people who were exposed to prolonged use of mobile phones.

Despite having little information since the use of mobile phones was induced in the 1980s; the result points out that the average time to trigger the disease is at least 10 years. While the investigations continue and a controversy is unleashed. It was found during a study that indicates that cases of Glioblastoma Multiform (GBM) in England have increased by approximately 1250 cases per year since 1995, when mobile phones also had an increase (Alasdair Philips, 2018).

Although, technology has made a lot of progress to create tools that avoid damaging our health. Many of them have not been yet effective and have lead to encounter multiple cases of eye diseases. One of the most common disease within the studies carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the disease of the dry eye, caused by the lack of blinking that is reduced by half in 1 minute.

This occurs when we are focus on the screen cell phone for a prolong period of time. This increases the chance of getting diseases such as myopia easier. (Jeff Taylor, 2013). Eye fatigue is another disease that could be caused by the reflection of images or lights in the mobile phone, even causing intense headaches or migraines. This is due to the intensity of the light reflected by the cell phone in our eyes.

On the other hand, the increase in anxiety, low self-esteem and forgetfulness led to the conclusion that these factors would also be influenced by the use of mobile phones. Tools such as social networks have allowed to enter an abstract world, where people think they are connected to the world, but at the end people are alone generating states of loneliness and drowsiness in other words lack of sleep.

However, studies lead us to compare a person who devotes more than 20 hours on their mobile phone in contrast a person who spends only 3 hours the performance in the workplace is not 100% expected, even this mood affecting interpersonal relationships with co-workers (Julissa Ibañez Ruelas,2018). Followed by anxiety comes the disease called Nomophobia that is the result of prolonged time in a state of dependence. This usually happens by maintaining a strong state of addiction where the cell phone review is inevitable every 3 minutes either for work or for fun. This is considered as a severe addiction (Erick Peper, 2018).

Finally, the world today lives an obsession on cellular devices that are causing irreversible damage to the brain, loss of vision and emotional dependence. While it is true that technology has helped us to take great steps in communication. The time of use must be controlled permanently to reduce the risk of getting this deseases. Nowadays, it is important to raise awareness of the importance of the proper use of this tool, spending time with people face to face in a business meeting, sharing time with family and friends will not leave us vulnerable to this mental and physical health risk.

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Negative Effect of Mobile Technology Addiction. (2021, May 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/negative-effect-of-mobile-technology-addiction/

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