Nature of Human Mind

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Thoughts of the person can be varied, a profession of the person may be varied, But the average of 90% of the human mind is almost similar, The quality of the human mind reacts based on the situation happening around us.

The Cognit Space Theory presented a thesis, A new version of the ‘Two Minds’ hypothesis is introduced, separating the Human Evolutionary Adapted Mind (HEAM) from Tabular Rasa Mind (TRM). To make it more clear vision. we can undergo deep learning about it.

The Two Sides of the coin

Basically, the human mind is like a coin. The coin usually has two sides it would be the best comparison to make it clear.

One side of the coin resembles our positivity of the human mind. The other side reflects the opposition of the positive one. Emotions and Thinking are like a wave in a sea which always overwhelm one another.

Emotions are the lower octave. It makes you feel more intimate and doesn’t change as rapid as your thoughts, Thinking is the higher Octave of mind activity, It changes our minds more quickly which seems you have more control towards it. ‘Thoughts and Emotions are merely impressions on your mind’.

Conscious, Subconscious Mind

The human mind is categorized into two classifications conscious mind and subconscious mind. 90% of the human mind is subconscious and the remaining 10% is conscious. To make it more precise, your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys.

Your subconscious mind causes you to feel emotionally and physically uncomfortable whenever you attempt to do anything new or different changes may occur in your behavioral pattern. The sense of fear and discomfort are psychological signs that your subconscious mind has been activated.

The conscious mind is the part of our mind that is responsible for our thinking and act while we are in awaken state. For example talking, executing your tasks, whatever we do when we are active.

Why do they go for hypnosis?

Hypnosis is usually considered as an aid to psychotherapy because the hypnotic state allows people to explore painful thoughts, feelings, and memories they might have hidden from their conscious mind. Hypnosis can be used in two ways as suggestion therapy or for patient analysis.

Suggestion Therapy

The hypnotic state makes the person better to respond to suggestions. It can also help people change perceptions and sensations and are particularly in treating pain.


This approach uses the relaxed state to explore a psychological cause of a disorder that relives the past event that a person has hidden in his or her unconscious memory.

Cite this paper

Nature of Human Mind. (2021, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/nature-of-human-mind/



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The three parts of the mind are the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. The conscious mind is responsible for awareness and rational thinking, while the subconscious and unconscious minds are responsible for automatic and instinctive behaviors and emotions.
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The meaning of human mind is the ability to think, reason, and remember. It is the seat of consciousness and the source of thought.
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