My Of Future Goals

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I have observed that it is the goal of an entrepreneur to bring dreams and visions to reality. I have always longed to be someone who benefits a lot from the world of Business. I have learned a lot from my father who is a First-Generation Entrepreneur and has taught me that Technological skills alongside Managerial skills can only make a successful entrepreneur. Thus, I have always had a great passion towards managing an organization, but not without the knowledge in technical aspects; hence I had chosen Engineering in my bachelor’s studies, to not miss any opportunity to learn how machines work in our day-to-day lives and master in Management of Technology to completely fulfill my career needs.

The years spent pursuing my undergraduate studies were the most pivotal period of my life and significantly shaped my career path. The rigorous curriculum at my university Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur exposed me to a wide range of subjects regarding Mechanical Engineering. I also learned to apply theoretical concepts to practical problems and create a persistent solution. During my bachelor’s studies, I have done two projects which include Depulper for a biodiesel plant and Sound Fire Extinguisher. The Sound Fire Extinguisher is one where we make use of low-frequency sound waves to put off the flames.

As of this moment, I am studying my final semester and I have completed internships in various industries including Hindustan aeronautics limited. I was in a post of a Trainee and learned the kind of Overhauls to be done on an aircraft and register all the stocks of the department. My studies also inspired my interest in Management and Technology as I had chosen electives such as Entrepreneurship Development, Total Quality Management by Toyota and Project management. All of these areas represent fruitful opportunities in the future.

In order to achieve all my career goals, I have to learn not just about modern development and innovations, but also about management and applications of marketing. I believe that this Master’s Degree will offer me the theoretical understanding, as well as an in-depth understanding of practical approaches in using technological skills and managerial decision-making in order to allow me to develop competence in various areas when it comes to managing technology. Even though creative genius and technological proficiency are the key strengths of an entrepreneur, another factor that can determine success in terms of competing in an environment that is filled with uncertainties is the possession of necessary management skills. Also my frequent visits to my father’s industry allowed me to retain as well as augment my keen interest in this field. This is the particular field of study which will help me in future to establish my very own industry or growth of my father’s industry.

The Hypothetical Thesis on Project, which I prefer the most are the projects relating to Developing and Managing an organization/Industry as my topic and explore more on how to optimize the use of resources and manage the work force available. I would also perform a series of Questionnaires and Interviews to know the scope of the project. During the thesis I would develop a detailed project and product life cycle of a particular product taking into account the future demand. I would create a project report which consists of all the necessary information regarding the project. To gather all the necessary information there has to be lots of Data Gathering that has to be done with the help of the tools like Brainstorming, Focus Groups, Context Diagrams and etc. To verify the project there has to be a decision-making committee that include Expert Judgement and Meetings and nonetheless to effectively perform all the 10 knowledge areas as described by PMBOK. The outcomes of a project report depict the Future scope of the project/product and by conducting all these steps in a more systematic manner there will be a very less chances of failures or risks. Finally the requirements of the stakeholders have to be reached.

My final year bachelor’s project is developing a sound fire extinguisher. It is one of the most innovative projects in our batch. It has mainly the principle – the low-frequency waves will push the oxygen molecules further and cause the fire to extinguish due to low oxygen content. The main component that we are using is the tone generator, which was used to generate low-frequency sound up to 60 Hz and a power amplifier which is used to amplify the sound into the subwoofers. Then the low-frequency sound waves are directed by a handheld subwoofer towards the flame. It has a wide range of application and mainly it is environmentally friendly. My Pre-Final year project of developing a Depulper has been completed and i had obtained an ‘s’  grade for this project.

TU Delft is one of the most prestigious universities and one of the most ambitious universities for any student, which is also a member of the most esteemed IDEA League. A lot of amazing reviews from my senior college pupils who are the alumni of TU Delft have also helped me come to a conclusion about TU Delft. The Netherlands is one of the most beautiful countries on earth and I would not want to miss such an extraordinary two years of my life elsewhere. I would like to be an entrepreneur with high technical, internationally oriented and competitive for a variety of industrial sectors, which is only possible through the Management of Technology program.

I had always wanted to pursue a Techno-Management course as my masters degree, as I had read the program objective of the Management of Technology Program, I realized that this is the exact program that suits my interests to the most. I believe that the discipline involved in the field of Management of Technology can only be attained by this Master’s program. I am determined to study at your university, which I believe will not only supplement the knowledge that I have acquired but also provide me with the best possible platform for the attainment of my future goals. After lots of research and guidance from my professors, I have acknowledged that this program is the precise one that meets my needs in my career. I anticipate the good response from the admissions committee.

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My Of Future Goals. (2022, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-of-future-goals/

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