Morality and Law

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Law and morality establish basic principles or rules about what they believe is right and wrong. Law and morality, however, vary in other ways. Laws are rules which the government empowers society to obey. Whereas morals are beliefs and behaviors which enable one to differentiate between good and bad. This can create conflict between the two, especially with those who have immoral beliefs. In my essay, I will discuss how law and morality relate, awareness of ethical issues, drug control policies, and the deontological and teleological ethic systems.

Although there is and should be an interdependence that connects them, law and morality focus on different ideas that do not connect them. In liberated human actions ethical law distinguishes between right and wrong. It is aimed primarily at personal development, and ultimately at redemption. Law and morality are both concerned with practical reasoning— that is, with reasoning about what to do, what goal to aim for and what sort of person to be (Cane, 2012). Each distinguish what they believe to be good or bad. In addition, ethics and morality presents us with instructions on what is the best thing to do in all areas of life, while the law usually offers more specific guidance for the safety of societies and their organizations.

We believe that some of our actions are morally correct without thinking how it affects the law. For example, this could include an individual who uses illegal substances assuming they will get away with this. They believe their actions are not wrong, but understand they are ignoring the law. Though, some individuals have better moral beliefs where they follow rules set into place. Ethics acts as a roadmap to everyday morality and helps us determine if our conduct is justifiable. Ethics refers to the concept of the best way to live our lives within society.

Awareness of ethical issues in the workplace is crucial as it can help people to focus on doing their jobs right without the continuous pressure of taking shortcuts or committing wrongful acts that would have an immediate gain, either to the employee or to the organization for which everyone works. Understanding ethical issues promotes expanding one’s knowledge about areas that may seem grey. The legal role in drug regulation is closely linked to the broader issue of the legal position in preventing a person from acting which can only injure oneself.

Drug control policies are put into place to incorporate rules and regulations pertaining to legal and illegal drug usage. The law enforces these rules to control the distribution of drugs that can prevent drug abuse and educate others about the dangers of these substances. One can have the moral right to do something that is morally wrong (Smith, 2002). This can be based on the moral beliefs of how people chose to live and what they believe is right. Though, without rules and drug control policies individuals will easily make dangerous decisions and suffer potentially fatal consequences.

Substance misuse is both a personal and a common problem, and raises issues pertaining to human rights and legal concerns. According to Braswell (2017), deontologists have argued that human being sometimes have duties to perform certain actions, regardless of the consequences. Teleological ethics applies to an ethical philosophy that sees right course of action as that which aims and succeeds in achieving an objective. This can determine if there is a good or bad outcome. Deontological and teleological ethical systems view the use of drugs and control differently.

From a teleological perspective, providing money or illegal substances to someone who has a problem can result in addiction. Some might believe that providing necessities is a good act because you are trying to help. Though, this outcome would be considered to some as immoral, which would be viewed as a bad act. Certain actions may produce short term pleasures but in the long run may prove to be more harmful than good (Braswell, 2017, p.13). In other terms, deontological ethics would consider buying drugs or using them a wrongful act. If this individual gave money to a friend not knowing they would use it for drugs, they would consider this a good act of helping.

Even if they had not known, this would be viewed as a bad action. Drug control from a deontological standpoint would be a positive duty to implement for society. Drug policies are considered morally right if the consequences have a beneficial outcome. Peacemaking, as evolved from ancient spiritual wisdom traditions and embedded in humanistic philosophy, includes the possibility of mercy and compassion within the framework of justice (Braswell, 2017, p. 24). This includes three themes such as connectedness, care, and mindfulness.

Each has a goal to use restorative justice in order to reduce crime and violent treatment. In addition, society can resolve conflicts through negotiation. For example, when a police officer has probable cause to believe there is drugs in a vehicle they pulled over, they may have compassion and negotiate a lighter sentence for the illegal substance they have on them. This could mean although marijuana is illegal, if the other party is cooperative the officer could write them a ticket for the possession and let them go.

Mistakes that have to do with drugs are due to the social situation’s individuals surround themselves in. Taking an approach where they can learn from their mistakes in a positive way can show more success. When approaching situations with more compassion and mindfulness, peacemaking can contribute to a more humane approach on drug policies.

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Morality and Law. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/morality-and-law/

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