Medical Science Profession: Immunologist

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Some patients still prefers a treatment or service from a doctor than a high-tech machines, for some of them they trust more to a doctor to cure, diagnose, finding a solution for their disease, especially about their inner body disorders such as immune abnormality, that’s why immunologist are ready to make patients with immune abnormality in the right way of healing. Immunologist or often called as allergist is a mastered biomedical doctor that are related to immune system disorders, such as allergy, antibody deficiency etc.

There are numerous noxious organisms, germs, bacteria, viruses etc everlastingly attempt to penetrate our body and if it’s succeed, it may generate to a major disease problem and because of that, immunologist are exist to ease finding solutions for that problems. Immunologist job opportunities are projected to grow 15% – 20% percent from 2012 – 2022, which is faster than average for all profession.

Bachelor degree preferably in biology or chemistry and complete four years of medical school to earn a Doctor of medicine (M.D.) should be obtained in order to get the job. Regardless, personality takes part too in order to get the job, immunologist has a distinct personality, the individuals should be investigative, introspective, inquisitive, and intellectual at the same time. Immunologist is mostly social, means they are friendly, helpful, tactful and other good manner.

Biology takes place in this job, one of the area that are covered is immunology. Immunology is the biology medical science field that deals with immunity disease, immunology begins when Edward Jenner (well known as father of immunology) discovered vaccine in 1796. Peter Openshaw (2017) says immunology is at the forefront of biological discovery, delivering breakthroughs in our understanding of how the body functions in both health and disease and leading to the development of life-changing therapies for patient.

Immunology is also one of the biology medical science field that are important for living. Thus , immune system can protects us from any kind of infection and pathogen. Immunologist have conduct that there are three types of immune disorders; Hypersensitivity, happens when immune system respond improperly to dangerous organisms, Autoimmune, happens when immune system attacks its tissue , whereas that tissue isn’t suppose to be attacked, Immunodeficiency, happens when immune system failed to respond sufficiently to dangerous organisms.

Not only biology , mathematics and chemistry are also applied in this job, with that both field applied, immunologist can understands more about computers and technology, clerical knowledge, deductive reasoning and also management skills. Research says that most people forget that public engagement, chairing meetings, ability to network, grant writing and financial management are also needed for this job (British Society for Immunology, 2017).

One of the most important or needed skills is communication ,so that patient can understand well what’s going on their inner body and doesn’t frightened when they know the situation, that’s why communication is one the key to be a good immunologist. Resilience, also no less important, in case when immunologist are in deadlock situation, the immunologist should not give up easily and must think critically to find other solutions. Eventually, this immunologist requires biology, chemistry, math and also non-science fields such as communication, resilience etc.

Every single immune disease can grow stronger, maybe even exist a new one, this immunologist will be the innovator to improve immunological techniques and spreading the knowledge of experimental immunology. Immunologist from various country will help to prevent global disease and treat it, and thanks to immunologist that now we know a lot of disease it is cause by the immune disorders, as an example Alzheimer’s. This can lead a faster treating disease, because immunologist knows what causes the disease.

There will be chaos if this job vanishes, the medical world couldn’t survive with no immunologist because it needs a right hand of treatment, world will have dozens of allergies exist and no one can treat it well, we can see there’s still a lot of allergies penetrate humans although immunologist is exist, more than 50 million Americans experience various types of allergies each year (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 2016). World without a immunologist would be terrifying.

This job might be challenging yet tiring, despite that, this is an noble job. This job definitely have a high salary and helps a lot of people too. If a chance being a immunologist is offered, I will take that opportunity. This is not just an noble job, but also for human sake.


  1. About Bioscience. (2019). Immunologist. Retrieved July 20th 2019, fromhttps://www.aboutbioscience.org/careers/immunologist/
  2. British Society for Immunology. (2019). Why Study Immunology?. Retrieved July 20th 2019, from https://www.immunology.org/careers/why-study-immunology
  3. Environmental Science. (2019). What is an Immunologist?. Retrieved July 20th 2019, from https://www.environmentalscience.org/career/immunologist
  4. Prospects. (2019). Healthcare Scientist: Immunologist. Retrieved July 20th 2019, fromhttps://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/healthcare-scientist-immunology
  5. Sokanu. (2019). What does an Immunologist do?. Retrieved July 20th 2019, from https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/immunologist/
  6. Target Jobs. (2019). Immunologist: Job Description. Retrieved July 20th 2019, from
  7. https://targetjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/job-descriptions/279813-immunologist-job-description
  8. https://www.immunology.org/sites/default/files/BSI_Careers_Report_2017_FINAL_web.pdf

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Medical Science Profession: Immunologist. (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/medical-science-profession-immunologist/



Is immunology a good career?
Yes, immunology is a good career choice as it offers a wide range of job opportunities and advancements in the field of healthcare and research. With the increasing demand for immunologists, it also offers a promising salary and job security.
Is immunology a medical science?
Yes, immunology is a medical science that deals with the immune system and its diseases.
What does an immunologist doctor do?
An immunologist doctor is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the immune system.
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