Light and Dark Humor

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Everybody can agree that they have a sense of humor, but everyone’s humor is different. Even the styles of comedy are different. Light and dark comedy are two of the most popular. Both play a part in someone’s sense of humor.

Everyone has a sense of humor, but everyone’s sense of humor differs slightly. What one may find hilarious, another may frown upon. It’s because, unlike tragedy, humor isn’t universal. Everyone can agree that if a plane crashed and lives were lost, that would be heartbreaking. Yet if someone says, “Why did the chicken cross the road?: ? Tto To get to the other side,..” not everyone would find it amusing. What makes people laugh or smile can say a lot great deal great deal about their level of intelligence, their personality, or even their emotions. Each of those characteristics all correlate to their sense of humor.

People who use sarcasm often are seen as intelligent, because they can think abstractly, and recognize different possibilities in a conversation. When it comes to a person’s personality, he or she might tell a joke from his or her favorite show or hobby. This shows their many interests. The same concept can be use when trying to decipher a person’s attitude or emotions. If someone tells a self-deprecating joke, a form of dark humor, we can assume he/she is feeling insecure.

There’s two types of humor, light and dark humor. Light humor and dark humor . Light humor is meant to be cheerful and simple. These jokes are light-hearted and can be used anywhere. An example could be a play on words or something like a dad joke. Light humor is usually used to break the ice between people, build relationships, or simply to brighten up someone’s day. An example could be, where did Noah keep his bees? In the Ark hives. The joke is meant to be a clever play on words, which in turn makes it into a pun.

Dark humor, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. This type of humor isn’t for the faint of heart, as these jokes can usually be seen as be inappropriate, rude, or disrespectful. Dark humor is mostly used mostly among teenagers and adults and performed by comedians as entertainment. Because of the crude manor of these jokes, they are mostly used among friend in social settings like at parties or get-togethers. These jokes are strongly frowned upon in professional settings. Telling sexual, racial, or discriminative jokes can lead to having an uncomfortable atmosphere. However, these kinds of jokes aren’t always bad. The person telling the joke must know his or her audience and know if the joke is appropriate at that moment.

In conclusion, a sense of humor is unique to everyone. everyone, there are. There are similarities in humor, but just like DNA, no one is the exact same. Light humor can help show a friendly, warm side of someone, as wherewhereas whereas dark humor shows the crude side of people. Light and dark humor can help help create a person’s own unique sense of humor.


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Light and Dark Humor. (2021, Jun 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/light-and-dark-humor/

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