Is That Money That Bring You Happiness Opinion Essay

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You are surrounded by happiness all the time. It only depends on how you choose to bring happiness in your life. You can base happiness on major events of your life like a great new job, buying your favorite car, a perfect house or a trip to your favorite place. But after achieving it all a time comes when your happiness starts fading and you return back to your square. This happens because you are in a race of getting more and better and this journey never ends and one can never gets satisfied with the life.

As you grow older you realize that the ultimate happiness doesn’t have to be huge. To be genuinely happy you need to do things that actually make you happy. You should be grateful for little joys that bring colors to your life. You could be happy only when you start to live for laughing so hard that your stomach aches, for a long healthy conversation with some stranger, a good cup of coffee, joy hidden in a good food, a compliment or warmth of a winter sun.

You will feel genuinely happy when you surround yourself with people who bring the best out of you, who make you realize that the world is not a cold harsh place. You’ll be happy when you kick negativity out of your life and stay positive no matter what.

You have to realize that real happiness is not something big but small things that are already around you. Find joy in ordinary because it will make you realize the real meaning of life and what is meant by “BEING ALIVE”.


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Is That Money That Bring You Happiness Opinion Essay. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/is-that-money-that-bring-you-happiness/



Is money the key to happiness?
Money is power Findings of the study show that those who earn a higher income were happier, but this was due to the sense of control over their lives that comes with the money. Killingsworth explains: “When you have more money, you have more choices about how to live your life.
What kind of happiness does money bring?
While money may provide some fleeting happiness, it generally does not bring lasting joy or contentment. Instead, true happiness comes from experiences, relationships, and internal satisfaction.
what makes you happy?
I am happy when I am with my friends and family. I am also happy when I am doing something that I enjoy.
Why money can buy you happiness?
You can spend money on others But being generous with your money is a path to happiness, according to the Harvard study Using Money to Benefit Others Pays Off. In the study, researchers gave money to students to spend on either themselves or others by the end of the day.
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