The Coffee Diet Review

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The coffee diet is a relatively new diet plan that is rapidly gaining popularity. It includes drinking a few cups of coffee a day while limiting your calorie intake. Some people have reported short-term weight loss success with diet. However, it has some notable drawbacks. This article reviews the coffee diet, including its potential benefits, drawbacks, and whether it is healthy.

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The coffee diet emphasizes coffee and whole foods, while limiting processed foods and calories. While it may help with weight loss, you will have a high-risk weight recovery. In addition, its large amount of caffeine may have side effects.

What is the coffee diet? Dr. Bob Ablett’s book The Diet of Coffee

Lovers promotes coffee diets. In the book, Dr Arnott claims that drinking coffee a few times a day boosts metabolism, burns more fat, blocks calorie absorption and reduces your appetite. After studying people living on the Greek island, he was inspired to write the book, which has a large number of healthy old people .He believes their health and longevity are the result of high intake of antioxidant-rich coffee.

How it works

The coffee diet includes drinking at least 3 cups (720 ml) of lightly roasted coffee per day.

Light roasting tends to be richer than dark grilled meats with more polyphenolantioxidants (1 trusted source, 2 trusted source). Dr. Arnotpay pays special attention to the type of coffee you choose and how your coffee is brewed.

He recommends a cup of roasted whole bean coffee, ground at home and prepared with filtered water. On the diet, just reach the minimum of 3 cups (720 ml) and drink as much coffee as you like – caffeine or decaffeinated.

However, you should avoid using sugar or cream. He also recommends replacing a meal with a homemade, high-fiber green smoothie every day. The recommended smoothie recipe is described. Your other diets and snacks should be low in calories and fat, rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables fiber. The authors also encourage readers to avoid highly processed foods, such as frozen foods and refined snacks, and to prefer whole foods. In the book, Dr. Arnott’s sample meal plan contains about 1,500 calories a day, which is much less than the average person’s. Meals suitable for this diet include tofu and vegetable fried in brown rice, or grilled chicken salad with raisin sauce. Some people have reported weight loss success with this diet, probably due to the calorie restrictions involved. In addition, there is some evidence that coffee may help with weight loss (3 trusted sources, 4 trusted sources). Summarize The coffee diet was developed by Dr. Bob Ablett, who claims that coffee can help you lose weight. Under the plan, you’ll drink at least 3 cups (720 ml) of coffee a day, replace a meal with a green smoothie, and focus on low-fat, high-fiber meals and snacks.

Potential benefits

Coffee is rich in caffeine and antioxidants, called polyphenols, and has a variety of health benefits, including reduced inflammation and free radical damage (1 trusted source). When it comes to promoting weight loss, coffee seems to have two potential benefits – reducing appetite and increasing metabolism. May reduce appetite Dr Arnott asserts that coffee can suppress your appetite and help you reduce your daily calorie intake. Some studies have shown that this is partly true. Drinking coffee shortly before meals may reduce the amount of food you eat (3 sources). However, drinking coffee 3-4.5 hours before eating did not appear to have an effect on the amount of food eaten at the next meal (3 sources). A study of 33 overweight or normal-weight people found that drinking coffee reduced calorie intake in overweight people (5 sources).

In the study, each person ate breakfast in three studies, or drank water, regular coffee, or half the coffee contained in caffeine. Regular coffee contains 2.7 mg of caffeine per pound (6 mg/kg) of body weight. When those who were overweight drank 6 ounces (200 ml) of coffee, they consumed significantly fewer calories, while they consumed half the caffeine (5 000 ml) of caffeine. In contrast, a study of 12 people found no difference in calorie intake and appetite in people who drank caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee or placebo drinks before meals (6 sources). Caffeinated coffee may help reduce some people’s calorie intake, but more research is needed before a clear statement can be made.

Cite this paper

The Coffee Diet Review. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-coffee-diet/

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