Information Governance Strategies for Cloud Computing

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The goal of the paper was to highlight the need for information governance to develop and incorporate cloud computing into an enterprise for information protection. There has been a significant increase in the transfer of information from on-site systems to new cloud-based on-demand applications to drive down costs and reduce the complexity of fulfilling a company’s cloud computing services probably wants. Migrating cloud-based information systems contributed to the introduction of faster integration of information governance in organizations. Based on the relevant cloud provider categories, their attributes, and the variety of design configurations resulted in confusion and lack of progress, creating a troublesome environment.

The critical issue was how information security was perceived, and how it was applied to cloud-based content. The paper provided the necessary understanding on how to manage large collections of personal information, introduced information life cycle strategies and demonstrated a sustainable strategy for corporate data disposal through information governance policies that allowed organizations to evaluate prospective cloud service providers. The paper also obtained a study on implementing information governance policies and analyzed a scalable cloud computing system to be developed.


The cloud structures of currently are developed of diverse unbiased cloud backdrops. The unique nature of clouds, resulting in technology, protection and audit standards that are still non-existent, was a barrier to reasonable cloud collaboration, essential for cloud communities and cloud exchanges (Bryce, 2019). The paper summarized the problems faced by several regulated and commercial companies in the marketplace. It also exemplified the additional insight into consumer protection policies, law-driven cloud computing and critical precepts needed to achieve improved data security by introducing information governance strategies to the expenses of this department.

Next, the paper addressed multi-faceted concerns related to successful application and maintenance of information governance in an institution’s cloud-computing environment. The paper also demonstrated why information governance strategies do not tend to respond to technology trends and business issues, adding to the complexities of enforcing governance when cloud storage is involved. Finally, the paper highlighted the difficulty that information governance technologies had in adequately communicating the service that consumers were offered by companies when cloud computing was being embraced.


Cloud computing has risen as the latest invention that has developed over the last few decades and the next logical step has been considered over the years. Because it is unique, it required new vulnerabilities and it faced new obstacles too (Bryce, 2019). Typically, cloud computing was known as virtualization. Structural security issues often varied depending on specific design models that were running across the cloud (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). Qualified cloud services worked for years until the cloud computing clichés began offering server services in real data facilities, ranging from lookup records to hosting emails.

Cloud services testing companies conducted due diligence on prospective tech suppliers and providers (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). Consumer information sources are the top guarded electronic asset categories, and companies are continually struggling to find creative ways to protect, safeguard, and handle these data in the ever-changing computer industry (Bryce, 2019). Most businesses are under scrutiny to increase performance, access information relatively safely, and lower cloud service costs. IT productivity was entirely the responsibility of administrators and computer service members. Several big cloud technology-related IG problems addressed.

There are also concerns with managing metadata. Investigating and evaluating the provision of RM services by a cloud service provider, which was necessary for supporting IG operations such as cataloging and e-discovery, and meeting IG compliance requirements (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). Cloud computing was a method for using centralized storage and IT infrastructure across a network, as well as various channels and marketing strategies, with potentially multiple consequences for information management (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014). Market in cloud technology infrastructure was valued at billions and significantly increased.

Consumers of cloud computing suppliers pledged to allow companies to provide additional technical services (Bryce, 2019). These also provided direct exposure to data processing and network infrastructure for the procurement firms. Nevertheless, the focus was on user protection control as cloud hosting was adopted. It was taken into consideration as companies handle large amounts of customer data which included enforcement procedures to comply with laws and regulations and business standards to avoid legal action (Lidster & Rahman, 2018).

While companies have introduced cloud services to accept IT responsibilities and alter the information stored in, their obligations have not been eliminated from proper management (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). It eventually contributed to the development of the variety of threats when information security problems were not addressed at this point.

Challenges in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing faced significant risks to security that were not detected. Without an archive it is impossible to retrieve information once the data is destroyed or updated (Bryce, 2019). Organizations using the three main cloud service fields, including Infrastructure as an Infrastructure (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), are increasingly exploring advantages of bringing software systems and facilities into the cloud environment (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014).

Security breaches, network failures, lack of identity, and password and permission control are common cybersecurity problems that customers face in the cloud environment (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). In some situations, an enterprise may lack sufficient operationalization and enforcement of legislation, protocols, a stateful firewall cost structure to handle cloud security. In addition, data collection raises the potential threat to data since more valuable data consumes the same storage space (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014).

The lack of cloud practice caused users to lose sensitive data. The lack of experience and competence led customers to unintentionally endanger confidential data (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). To order to avoid violations in either group, organizations need constructive IG processes (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). Cybercrimes can reasonably assume different personalities and conduct targeted attacks in the case of simple sign-up protocols developed by cloud providers. With the use of element sharing, simple cloud architecture was intended to increase efficiency (Bryce, 2019). The overall market challenge that results in these problems is the lack of reliable cloud security information governance.


Information Governance was the determination of result rights and an accountability mechanism to facilitate suitable actions in the evaluation, creation, storage, use, archiving and preservation of data (Bryce, 2019). This included the systems, tasks, priorities and steps that defined the effective and efficient use of data to help an organization to achieve its goals (Smallwood, 2014).

Like any traditional on-site knowledge database, cloud service entrepreneurship data was contrary to a higher level of governance and security (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014). The Electronic Discovery Reference Model has been widely adopted for information governance and to help companies recognize their positions, duties and aspirations of stockholders in information management (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). The model outlined provided a normal, practical framework for organizations to develop and implement an effective record maintaining program.

A significant change to better governance was the understanding of business, administrative, performance, confidentiality, protection and IT administrators ‘ criteria in the organizational data creation process (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). When moving vital resources to a cloud infrastructure and not losing transparency or causing non-conformity, these requirements was important (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014).

Measuring security needs, data stewardship, program efficiency, expenditure and firm endurance was critical (Bryce, 2019). If performed in a closed system, analyzing cloud systems for information governance and stable storage resources was not an insurmountable problem (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014). Organizations needed to look at the requirements, strategies and ideas developed as a basis to expand on demands. Such guidelines have helped some competitive industries which have continued to recognize the potential hazards of cloud computing in an environment susceptible to severe compliance requirements.

Cloud Infrastructure Categories

Within today’s NIST-defined industry, there are four major categories of cloud computing implementation components based on consumer requirements :

  • Private cloud infrastructure was owned by a government entity or a private company and was either located in the domain or managed by a network provider. Those were embodied only by one company (Bryce, 2019).
  • Public Cloud services were accessed from the general public. A combination of a corporation, academic, or governmental agency collected, processed, and controlled it. It happened at facilities with cloud services (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014).
  • Community cloud computing has been distributed by a common user base by target interacting organizations but operated by one or more community members (Lidster & Rahman, 2018).
  • Hybrid cloud was the combination of two or more different cloud services and infrastructure, including an application that included a personal and a virtual server case with interoperability of some kind of technology (Bryce, 2019).

The introduction of a private, public, group or hybrid cloud system was however best dictated by the value and consistency of the company’s privacy, information security, labeling and division standards (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014). IT administrators, compliance managers and senior executive staff worked together and implemented the key principles for the implementation of an information management system (Smallwood, 2014).

The broad transparency points in contents management also invalidated the provision of information governance by the cloud storage provider (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). The reference model for electronic discovery has been used to help map standards to help the company understand its obligations, obligations and investor expectations in information governance (Bryce, 2019). It was important to seek out a credible salesperson. As part of the recruitment process, companies had to show their technologies, industry competencies and context.

Cloud Strategy Key Principles

The six components required for the development of a cloud approach where information governance and privacy were considered as the following important criteria:

Due diligence: Many businesses also faced the task of providing and obtaining data relating to a prospective litigation. It was essential to know whether a cloud service provider fulfilled a standard for accessing, storing and supplying information to protect against unauthorized withdrawals (Lidster & Rahman, 2018). A secure cloud hosting has allowed their training and development expertise to be combined with the implementation of virtualization (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014).

Vendor management: It was beneficial to pick a cloud service provider to track archive sessions, which often forced businesses to administer a range of regulations. Without this expertise, service providers that are often unable to secure user data lead to increased organizational risks and have therefore been removed (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014). An enterprise needs to select a cloud storage platform that was straightforward for employees to grasp the system structure, the digital storage facility boundaries, and whether customer handled data (Bryce, 2019). As companies moved to a cloud encryption platform, besides enforcing eDiscovery guidelines, they will concentrate on data protection and confidentiality regulations.

Auditability: Organizations will analysis the review to ensure that accountants properly monitored the deployment process. Teaching auditing team members how to apply the assessment activities of new cloud services situations appeared to help them understand the policies of cloud providers (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014).

Information security: Competitive companies were therefore adamant that the security vulnerabilities could be monitored, registered and reviewed by an incoming cloud platform provider to ensure that information is properly secured and regulated (Lidster & Rahman, 2018).

Compliance considerations: The regulatory structure was considered by rising organizations. If the supplier understood the value of regulatory, legislative or internal service responsibilities for the company, it was reviewed before a cloud platform vendor was introduced (Bryce, 2019). When looking at confidential, disconnected networks and using a cloud service that recognizes the risk of contractual obligations being taken from unknown places, the company has the potential to reduce future information level risks (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014).

Business continuity: Business continuity was a method of checking the core processes and expertise of the organization, in particular information maintained through a cloud platform that was safely stored, retrieved and managed (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017). This was also important for the cloud platform provider’s ability to track, manage and scale the cloud instance as the knowledge footprint grew and the content value rose.

Cost Management and Efficiencies

Cloud systems created tremendous opportunities for finding possible reductions, through outlays, and offered clarification about how the organization used computing resources (Wenge, Schuller, & Steinmetz, 2014). The private cloud platform significantly reduced the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the company for an information governnace system and helped to get projects started faster. Manufacturing-based models have allowed the organization align labor costs with goals and objectives, not those of an authorized development vendor (Ongowarsito, Meyliana, Kosala, & Prabowo, 2017).

Perspective of how data was collected, managed and treated by companies helped balance the expense of the system with the objectives of governance of the organization. Implementation of an information management framework has been enhanced by incorporating the company’s main corporate boundaries (Bryce, 2019). Effective execution led to faster achievement of consumer compliance goals and capital expenditure targets. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have been defined for all regular service, disrupted system operation, and performance, damage, and disaster recovery protocols, in compliance with provider requirements and agreed standards (Bounagui, Hafiddi, & Mezrioui, 2014).


Cloud computing technologies are linked to new information management solutions for compliance, including cost control, eDiscovery, auditability and flexibility Major organizations with complicated governance structures adapted the increasingly globalized environment, but only within the constraints of security, confidentiality and specifically enforced laws. The study examined the significant amount of additional work required to overcome these challenges in three separate groups; enhancing the cost-effectiveness, resourcefulness and comprehensiveness of governance, and its subsequent engagement with the client. Possessing a reliable cloud, network and social provider has been a major obstacle to information governance. Overall, the paper addressed that, the progress has been made by formulating knowledge security measures that can be applied around the organization and increasing funding for reporting and project management systems.


  1. Bryce, C. (2019). Security governance as a service on the cloud. Journal of Cloud Computing, 8(1). doi: 10.1186/s13677-019-0148-5
  2. Bounagui, Y., Hafiddi, H., & Mezrioui, A. (2014). Challenges for IT based cloud computing governance. 2014 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA-14). doi: 10.1109/sita.2014.6847289
  3. Lidster, W. W., & Rahman, S. S. (2018). Obstacles to implementation of information security governance. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). doi: 10.1109/trustcom/bigdatase.2018.00276
  4. Ongowarsito, H., Meyliana, Kosala, R., & Prabowo, H. (2017). IT governance contingency factors in cloud computing services. 2017 International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology (ICITech). doi: 10.1109/innocit.2017.8319137
  5. Smallwood, R. F. (2014). Information governance: Concepts, strategies, and best practices. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  6. Wenge, O., Schuller, D., & Steinmetz, R. (2014). Towards establishing security-aware cloud markets. 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science. doi: 10.1109/cloudcom.2014.159

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Information Governance Strategies for Cloud Computing. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/information-governance-strategies-for-cloud-computing/

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