Human Interactions are Characterized by Obstacles Analytical Essay

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This past Thursday night, I attended the play “A Night of Ives’s The play’s acts were inspired by the works of David Ives, who is an American playwright well known for his comical one act plays, The set consisted of a table with two chairs, and a picturesque look, as if it was modeled after a 1970’s tiled bathroom. “Sure Thing” is a play created by David Ives, and it revolves around the pick-up lines that ensue after Bill meets Betty in a hotel The play’s central theme is various possible conversations that Bill might have relied on, to initiate a conversation with Betty As such, “Sure Thing” portrays different conversations that Bill can use to create a second impression In some instances, some pick-up lines tend to be received negatively by the lady In this case, another chance of talking to her calls for an improved version that she can accommodate positively.

Bill’s character is thus a spectacular one since he focuses on using statements that are not annoying to Bettyr His idea is to initiate a perfect conversation with her by first inquiring about whether the seat next to her is already occupied. The circumstance in which Bill meets Betty at the hotel, calls for etiquette since he is the one in need of assistance. For instance, the hotel is fully occupied, and not many vacant seats are available Such a situation calls for Bill to use the most appropriate words to see whether he can get the Chance to occupy the seat that is in Betty’s table. It beats logic to occupy a seat on a table without enquiring whether it is occupied or vacant. The beats in the conversation between Betty and Bill portray two strangers who are making efforts to be polite to each when The play portrays Bill using polite words such as “would you mind if I sit here?“

Such a question clearly indicates that Bill is ready to obey any response that Betty gives out. The main action of the play is Bill trying to secure a seat for himself in the hoteL In such a situation, the best action for one to take would be to make a polite requestr Fortunately, that is the approach that Bill uses as he initiates his conversation with Betty The fact that the place if fully occupied does not grant Bill the opportunity to occupy any seat that he comes across. It is highly possible that the seat is already occupied or that it someone else is about to occupy it. Bill’s actions are perfect based on the response he gets from Betty. For example, he tells her sorry once he learns that the seat close to her is already occupied. Even if Bill gets the response that the seat is occupied, he does not get disappointed In a public place like that, it is normal to have people waiting for their friends to accompany them.

Bill and Betty’s encounter is a perfect example of how human interactions can be characterized by obstacles One such obstacle is the fact that Betty wants to read her book quietly without being disturbed, Bill overcomes this obstacle by agreeing not to talk to Betty so that she can continue with her activities In “Sure Thing“, Bill proves that he is excellent at overcoming obstacles, Another evident obstacle is the other person who is supposed to occupy the seat at Betty‘s table. In this case, Bill overcomes this obstacle by telling her that she would be turning down someone important This statement clearly proves that Bill is a person who is capable of choosing words wisely in different situations. Such obstacles need to be evaded wisely for one to retain the respect that the other part deserves Bill utilizes the use of wise tactics to enhance the conversation with Betty For example, he is always the first person to initiate the conversation.

This aspect corresponds with the fact that he is the person in need. Whenever he feels like he has offended Betty, Bill is quick to apologize, The best aspect of Bill is thus he is a confident man who respects other people’s opinions and feelings He does not force himself to occupy the seat since he does not know what Betty’s plans are, Because Bill wants Betty to respond in a positive manner, he uses polite questions that can only be responded to in an ethical mannert For example, when he learns that Betty is reading The Sound and the Fury, he immediately mentions the author’s name, Such a tactic pushes Betty to want to know more about Bill‘s experience with the book. The arc of “Sure Thing” portrays a spectacular experience for Bill after his encounter with.

Betty After approaching her with doubts about her possible response, he ends up realizing that she is a friendly person to have a conversation with The story’s arc mainly revolves around the first encounter between two strangers Despite that fact, Bill manages to use his prowess to start a conversation with Betty to the point where they get to know each other. Conclusion In conclusion, Bill’s encounter with Betty at the hotel is well portrayed in “Sure Thing’C The different pick-up lines that he uses make it easy for him to secure a seat that is located next to Betty, Bill’s use of etiquette enables him to evade all the obstacles that are likely to influence his chances of sitting close to Betty As such, his choice of words enables him to enjoy his conversation with Betty.

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Human Interactions are Characterized by Obstacles Analytical Essay. (2022, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/human-interactions-are-characterized-by-obstacles/

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