Homework: Quantity versus Quality?

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The topic of homework is a very long and often self-contradicting discussion among parents, teachers, and experts. The discussion is about how much is too much, or how much is too little, or even if homework is beneficial to students at all. However, among the long discussion, there is little mention of the quality of that homework versus the quantity. Therefore, homework should be eliminated for the elementary students but not the high school students who benefit from homework that has less quantity but more quality.

To begin, in a 2006 meta-analysis by Duke University college professor, Harris Cooper found a positive correlation between homework and student achievement. Cooper found that the correlation was stronger for older students and weak for younger students. According to Cooper, “A good way to think about homework is the way you think about medications or dietary supplements. If you take too little, they’ll have no effect. If you take too much, they can kill you. If you take the right amount you’ll get better.” in other words, Cooper believes that the quantity of homework matters a lot because too much could negatively affect the student and this analogy could also apply to elementary students with homework, that’s why there are kids vitamins and kids medicine if they take too much is could also harm them as well.

Secondly, in the article “Homework: too little or too much? It depends” it follows a report by the Brookings Institution union and argues how much homework is enough but it doesn’t happen to address the topic of homework quality. But education expert, Alan Lesgold who looked at the studies states, “Bottom line is that it depends heavily on the quality of the assignment, the extent of quick feedback. Whether the student is motivated to do it.” Alan Lesgold’s point is that homework and homework improvement won’t happen and won’t matter unless the quality of that assignment or assignments is good or even great. On the opposition, others argue that homework is not beneficial because it causes physical and emotional fatigue, fuel negative attitudes about learning and limit leisure time for children. However, the good outweighs the bad for example it was also found that homework can improve study habits, self-discipline, inquisitiveness, and independent problem-solving skills.

As argued, homework should be eliminated for the elementary students but not the high school students who benefit from homework that has less quantity but more quality because too much homework can negatively affect the student especially at a young age and it also depends on the quality of that homework assignment that the student is receiving because homework helps improve, study habits, self-discipline and independent problem solving skills that are useful for life after high school.

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Homework: Quantity versus Quality?. (2020, Sep 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/homework-quantity-versus-quality/



Does homework improve the quality of education?
Studies have shown that homework improved student achievement in terms of improved grades, test results, and the likelihood to attend college.
Does more homework mean better grades?
No, more homework does not mean better grades. In fact, too much homework can lead to poorer grades.
What is the quality of homework?
The quality of homework can vary depending on the subject, the teacher, and the student. However, it is generally agreed that homework should be meaningful and relevant in order to be effective.
What makes a quality assignment?
Cuba was involved in the Cuban missile crisis because the Soviet Union was secretly placing nuclear missiles in Cuba. The missiles were pointed at the United States and would have given the Soviet Union a major advantage if they were to attack.
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