Get Up Off That Thang

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Occupational medicine is an important part of preventive medicine. As a Wellness Ambassador and workplace safety advocate, it is my mission to assist companies in preventing and managing occupational hazards and injuries. From office work to the construction worker, hospitality worker to dining services, and all kinds of trades or occupations, ergonomics applies to all areas of work. Don’t forget those tasks performed at home as well. Maybe its’s the grey skies, invasion of UGG boots, and comfy winter clothes, that tend to make us spend long hours slumped over our desk and laptops. Whatever the case, it’s time to give your workspace a check-up. As we move into the winter months as we become less active that we want to make sure bad habits don’t set in.

Check out my top five ways to make sure these winter months don’t get the best of you: I don’t have to take this sitting down: Every so often, take time to adjust your workstation in order to minimize awkward movements. Don’t remain sitting in the same position during your whole workday. Instead, switch it up. Here is an example of how to do that, when you need to a make or take a phone call, simply stand up. Most traditional office environments are built around the concept of sitting. According to Mayo Clinic research, sit-stand workstations have helped employees replace a tremendous amount of their sitting time with standing. This increased their sense of well-being, decreased fatigue and wait for it…appetite! Yes, you actually eat less! This variation throughout the day gives you a nice little energy boost to get through the potential mid-morning or late-afternoon slump.

Your computer screen should not become “Bae”: Don’t sit in front a screen for too long: Ergo gurus recommend a maximum 6 hours per day in total. If you wear eyeglasses, make sure they fit properly. While I was a member of a safety committee, I made recommendations that the tops of each employee’s computer screen should be level with their eyes. The idea is to get your eyes looking down. If the screen perhaps is too low, your head will point down, and the result will be the form of neck and backaches. Higher screens will result in dry eyes.

Break it up: Take a regular short break from your desk. Build this time into your work day, for example go visit a colleague on the next floor to tell them something rather emailing. Have a meeting? Bundle up and then go “Twalk it out”. That’s right take the boring out of a meeting and take a short walk. This will get you all some fresh air, help to get your creative juices flowing and help you burn some calories in the process.

Listen to your body, as Zen is in: If this sounds a bit too zenful, then those little aches and pains really going to start screaming at your body trying to tell you something. As also a sports massage therapist, the best way to deal with an injury is to avoid getting it in the first place. When I think of the repetitive strains, we put our body through, the comparison with top elite athletes is astounding. We must do better because serving pain an eviction notice is not easy. So, don’t let it move in!

Take it too the MAN: Brainstorm with colleagues or with your in-house human resources team or safety groups about how to make sure your company is working ergonomically safe. I have seen firsthand how poor ergonomics can turn into a company’s worst can be enemy. In 2017, I implemented the companies first ergonomics program that focused on benefits of what getting up off your butts can do. It was as simple as all departments getting up and stretching daily at a set time. It made quite a difference, and it’s been very beneficial to the all the employees and it’s still actively used today. Take these five tips and go make ergonomics a top priority today! Ask yourself, have you moved today?

Cite this paper

Get Up Off That Thang. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/get-up-off-that-thang/

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