Geography in Contemporary Times

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Practical Ways in Which We Have, Lost A Sense of Geography

There are different practical ways through which we have lost sense of geography in our contemporary world. One of the most practical ways is through the adoption of technology which has worked to impact on the sense of geography negatively. In the current generation, individuals deeply depend on technology, and the developed applications to find various locations. Another practical way through which we have lost a sense of geography is through increased industrial action which leads to enhanced levels of pollution. In such a situation, the natural environment is affected, and this shows how humans have lost geography in the contemporary world (Bonnett, 2015). In addition, lack of information can be perceived as a factor which has facilitated the loss of geography in the contemporary world.

Practical Effect on Our Lives

This lack of information has significant practical effects on our lives. The statement can be evidenced by the fact that a lot of emphasis has not been placed on geology as a discipline, and thus a lot of children have grown not knowing the essence of geography in the contemporary world (Bonnett, 2015). Emphasis is instead placed on information technology, and its implications in life. From this perspective, inadequate geographical information can be observed as an element which has enhanced reduced environmental care. Finally, this loss of information has resulted in a situation in which people are increasingly poor at map reading skills which can be essential in a life, or death situation such as when people get lost.

Lack of Awareness Effects

There are various ways through which lack of awareness might have an effect on the way we relate to our neighbors. One of the ways can be perceived as the inability to relate to other cultures, and relate with some of the views they hold pertaining to the physical environment (Connell, 2018). Furthermore, lack of awareness of the physical proximity affects the different ideas on land use including the residential aspects, commercial, or the institutional concepts. Therefore, the lack of awareness means that people are less sensitive to their neighbors, and the various land uses around them.

Effect on How We Are Able to Understand, or Define Ourselves

Lack of awareness affects how we define ourselves in one way, or another. In such a case, one is unable to identify himself with a given society, and also share their ideology pertaining to cultural orientation of the people living in a given location. If we can learn where we come from geographically, then we are able to define ourselves better by our sense of belonging.

Cite this paper

Geography in Contemporary Times. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/geography-in-contemporary-times/



How is geography used in everyday life?
Geography is used in everyday life in many ways. It is used to help people understand where they are in relation to the world around them. It is also used to help people understand the physical and human features of an area.
What does contemporary human geography mean?
Contemporary human geography is the study of the world and how humans interact with it. It focuses on the present and how it has been shaped by the past.
What is contemporary issues in geography?
Geography is the study of the world and its physical features. Contemporary issues in geography include climate change, energy resources, and urbanization.
What is geography in 21st century?
Teaching geography in the 21st Century includes working with mobile and online mapping tools, in addition to traditional focuses such as physical and cultural geography, fieldwork, and understanding landscapes .
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