Gender Discrimination in Workplace and Education

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There are many types of gender discrimination that faced by women through their workplace. Gender discrimination start from women choosing their career until getting paid. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) for men is 80.1 percent while women only 54.7 percent. Men are higher than women in workplace.

The major problem that occurs in workplace because of gender discrimination is pay gap. Men and women often get paid differently and men always held higher position than women. Men’s career choice, working experience and hours worked are the few reasons why they get paid more than women. But women have few barriers to do so because they have a lot of responsibilities apart from their work such as taking care of their children, house chores and so on. Then, women also discriminated by their pregnancy at the workplace. This is because during their pregnancy period, women need to take leave frequently because of their health issue.

So, the management assume that they could not perform well if they assign big task or project for them. Because of this, they mainly prefer men to do the tasks and men are getting paid more. Again, women are getting affected. They not able to show their ability or talent in their organization. Plus, many young women experiencing sexual harassment in workplace. Moreover, they were not reporting their sexual harassment issue because they fear of losing their job and not knowing how to make a complain. A report also noted that it is very difficult to fire a complain of sexual harassment in a male dominated workplace because women hesitated to share this kind of problems with a man too.

Woman’s are discriminated against through education life because they are lack of basic material and opportunities to pursue it in any way. There are multiple obstacles that stand in the way of a girl’s right to education. Poverty is one of the main issue in gender discrimination against girls based education. Question to parents, “Why your daughters dropped out of the school ?” most of their answers are related to the cost of schooling such as pocket money, school fees and stationary cost. Low-paid family less resources to their children’s education. In this case, they are forced to stop their daughters education life therefore they could support their sons education.

From the other hand, girls are forced to take over family responsibilities since they are young. They are assign to cook, take care of their younger siblings, clean the house and more which lead them to quit school in the early stage. Once upon time, girls are compulsory to get married after their puberty. There are no chance for them to step on to school after their marriage also; men just consider women as a baby carrier and maid who can take care the house and family. They are not even given a chance to voice out their fundamental right on education. Education is a fundamental right, which should not be restricted to a certain gender, every human being, male or female has a right to education.

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Gender Discrimination in Workplace and Education. (2020, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/gender-discrimination-in-workplace-and-education/



Is there gender equality in education?
Worldwide, 129 million girls are out of school. Only 49 per cent of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education . At the secondary level, the gap widens: 42 per cent of countries have achieved gender parity in lower secondary education, and 24 per cent in upper secondary education.
What are the main issues of gender inequality in the workplace?
The main issues of gender inequality in the workplace are the wage gap and the lack of women in leadership positions.
What is the relationship between education and gender?
There is a lot of research that indicates that there is a relationship between education and gender. For example, girls who receive an education are more likely to delay marriage and childbearing, and to have healthier children when they do marry and have children.
What is the role of education in gender bias?
There is a racial gap in education because of the long history of discrimination and segregation in the United States. African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have traditionally been segregated in lower quality schools with fewer resources.
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