United Nations Essay Examples and Research Papers

9 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Role of the United Nations in Global Conflicts, and Its Effectiveness

Pages 8 (1 911 words)


United Nations


Open Document

United Nations and the World

Pages 18 (4 486 words)


United Nations

Open Document

Enforcement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Pages 8 (1 985 words)

Child Abuse

United Nations

Open Document

The United Nations’ Promoting Change in Environmental Issues

Pages 6 (1 304 words)

Environmental Issues

United Nations

Open Document

The United Nations Resolutions to Combat the War Crisis in Yemen

Pages 4 (903 words)

United Nations


Open Document

Human Rights Day

Pages 2 (500 words)

Human rights

United Nations

Open Document

Holocaust as a Catalyst of the State’s Founding

Pages 9 (2 063 words)




United Nations

Open Document

United Nations’ Intervention in South Asia 

Pages 8 (1 849 words)


Essay samples


United Nations

Open Document

Government Power of the United States

Pages 2 (428 words)

American Government


United Nations

Open Document

Check a list of useful topics on United Nations selected by experts

[email protected]: Campaign of the United Nations Foundation

About role of the United Nations in the changing World

Digital Age Initiatives of the United Nations Essay (Critical Writing)

Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations

International Relations About United Nations Organisation

Iraqs Problems with the United Nations

Is the Successful Reform of the United Nations Security

Key Areas of Work by the United Nations

Peacebuilding as the Focus of Importance by the United Nations

The Body Shop and L’Oreal Companies as to United Nations Global Compact Proposal

The Effectiveness of United Nations at Promoting and Maintaining World Order

The G4 Reforming the United Nations Security Council Proposal

The Role of the United Nations in International Politics Sample

The Role of the United Nations In the World

The United Nations (UN) and European Union’s (EU) Means to Manage Environmental Problems

The United Nations and its Commission on Human Rights

The United Nations and The Arab-israeli Conflict

The United Nations and the League of Nations

The United Nations and the War in Iraq

The United Nations International Covenants (CEDAW) and the International Labour Organisation

The United Nations no Longer Fulfils Its Mission

The United Nations Security Council (unsc) Reforms

Thomas Weiss’ What’s Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix it Essay (Book Review)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Case Study

United Nations Human Rights Council

United Nations Organisation Development Goals

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