Essays on Fast Food Nation

9 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples


History of Fast Food Review

Pages 5 (1 173 words)

Fast Food Nation


Restaurant Review

Open Document

Live Nation

Pages 6 (1 411 words)

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Eric Schlosser’s Book Fast Food Nation Rhetorical Analysis

Pages 5 (1 182 words)

Book Review

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Fast food companies

Pages 4 (755 words)

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Innovation Nation

Pages 2 (427 words)

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Fast-Digestive Protein Sources You Need to Know About 

Pages 4 (998 words)

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Online Food Delivery Review

Pages 7 (1 690 words)

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation


Open Document

Dirty Food 

Pages 5 (1 220 words)

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

Fast Food Industry

Pages 3 (649 words)

Fast Food

Fast Food Nation

Open Document

release date

November 17, 2006 (USA)


R 2006 ‧ Drama/Romance ‧ 1h 56m

Don Henderson (Greg Kinnear), a marketing executive for a national burger chain must leave blissful ignorance behind when his boss gives him an unsavory assignment: Investigate scientific findings that cow manure is contaminating the meat used in the company’s top-selling hamburger. Don’s search takes him from his comfortable office to a vast feedlot, to the inner rooms of a slaughterhouse manned by illegal immigrants, who must do all the dirty work.… MORE

Director: Richard Linklater

Adapted from: Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

Box office: $2.2 million

Produced by: Jeremy Thomas; Malcolm McLaren

Distributed by: Searchlight Pictures, Participant, BBC Films, HanWay Films, Palisades Tartan

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