Things Fall Apart Essay Examples

18 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

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Okonkwo’s Masculinity in Things Fall Apart

Pages 8 (1 796 words)


Things Fall Apart

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Okonkwo Is a Tragic Hero in Things Fall Apart Analytical Essay

Pages 5 (1 218 words)

Things Fall Apart

Tragic Hero

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Things Fall Apart and Season of Migration to the North Book Review

Pages 3 (560 words)


Things Fall Apart

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Five Main Aspects in Things Fall Apart

Pages 8 (1 755 words)

Literature Review

Things Fall Apart

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African Culture and Colonialism in Things Fall Apart

Pages 4 (863 words)


Things Fall Apart

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Pre-Colonial and Colonial Nigeria in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Pages 7 (1 573 words)


Things Fall Apart

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Gender Roles in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Pages 5 (1 131 words)

Gender Roles


Things Fall Apart

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Story of the Africans in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Pages 4 (873 words)

Literature Review

Things Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart by Chinua Acheb

Pages 6 (1 373 words)

Literature Review

Things Fall Apart

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Strength And Pride in The Book Things Fall Apart

Pages 4 (955 words)



Things Fall Apart

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Check a list of useful topics on Things Fall Apart selected by experts

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Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Chinua Achebe’s Views of the “Savage” in Things Fall Apart

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Colonization in Things Fall Apart

Comparing and Contrasting Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart

Comparison of Shakespeare the Tempest, T.s. Eliot the Wasteland, and Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart Essay (Critical Writing)

Controversial Idea of Banning The Book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Culture in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Deriving Okonkwo’s Death from His Personality in Things Fall Apart

Essay topics for things fall apart

Evaluation of The Role of Okonkwo as Illustrated in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

Heart of Darkness vs Things Fall Apart

Heart of Darkness vs. Things Fall Apart

How Darkness Drops in Things Fall Apart and Its Themes?

Interesting Passages Response from Things Fall Apart

Major Themes of the Novel Things Fall Apart

Masculanity in Things Fall Apart

Modern World: Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo – Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo As A Sympathetic Protagonist In Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo as The Tragic Hero in Things Fall Apart

Okonkwo Character Analysis Things fall Apart

Persuasive Things Fall Apart

Pre-Colonial Igbo Culture in Things Fall Apart

Proverbs in Things Fall Apart

Reader Response: Things Fall Apart

Reflection of When Things Fall Apart

Repression and Tragedy in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

The Allegory of The Title Things Fall Apart

The Importance of Family in White Teeth, Disgrace and Things Fall Apart

The main character in Things Fall Apart

The Portrayal of Women in Things Fall Apart

The Use of Proverbs in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Themes in Things Fall Apart


“Things Fall Apart” is a novel written by Chinua Achebe, a prominent African writer to devalue the colonial stereotypic presentation of Africa. Drawing its setting from 1980s Nigeria, the novel revolves around Okonkwo, a strong man with a reputation. Although the text is successful in uplifting the Igbo culture, it highlights the insubordination of women in the Igbo society as my Things Fall Apart essay highlights.
In many Things Fall Apart essay examples, Achebe’s presentation of patriarchy is seen in his relegation of women characters in inferior societal roles. Men own everything including their wives while women are only supposed to take care of the children. Men are also presented as strong as we see in Okonkwo who link anything weak to women.
For example, Okonkwo cannot let her daughter Ezinma carry his chair because that is a ‘boys’ job’. In an essay about Things Fall Apart, women in the novel are looked at as inferior. Okonkwo prefers stories told by men to stories told by women because women’s stories are ‘foolish’. Women are also not allowed to attend meetings as their role is only to prepare food for the attendees.

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