Family Structures Argumentative Essay

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The family is the basic social unit in society where family members are emotionally, physically, and socially connected sharing common resources (Shehan, 2016). There are different family structures in the United States with the common family structure being the nuclear family that includes two married individuals and their biological off springs.

The parents/guardians have the responsibility of providing and caring for their off springs in diverse aspects (Shehan, 2016). However, new family structures that include blended families, single-parent families, cohabiting individuals, same-sex families, and mutigenerational families are on the increase that has led to a new definition of the modern family structures to accommodate these new family arrangements (Shehan, 2016).

The definition of family today that encompasses the different family structures and alternative family systems prevalent today includes a unit where two or more individuals are united through certain relationships, marriage, or living arrangements. Acknowledging nontraditional family structures is important since these new family structures impact the society in diverse aspects (Noone & Papero, 2015). Since these families are on the rise, this will enable them to access the necessary support in establishing these families and address any challenges encountered by the families.

Nontraditional family structures play a key role in society regardless of their structure and appropriate measures should be put in place to prevent discrimination that may have negatively affect these families (Noone & Papero, 2015). Acknowledging these families will lead to acceptance and accommodation in society giving them an identity strengthening the family systems.

The family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of modern family by categorizing different family structures (Leahey & Wright, 2016). This will allow individuals to understanding family patterns and needs that are specific to these families which will help to clearly define roles of family members and solving issues faced by the non-traditional family structures.


  1. Leahey, M., & Wright, L. (2016). Application of the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models: Reflections on the Reciprocity between the Personal and the Professional. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(4), 450-459.
  2. Noone, R. J., & Papero, D. V. (2015). The family emotional system: An integrative concept for theory, science, and practice. Lanham: Lexington Books. S
  3. hehan, C. L. (2016). The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of family studies. Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Family Structures Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/family-structures/



What are the 5 types of family structures?
The 5 types of family structures are nuclear family, extended family, single-parent family, blended family, and same-sex parent family. Each structure has its own unique dynamics and challenges.
What are the 7 types of family structures?
There are seven types of family structures: nuclear, single-parent, extended, step, foster, adoptive, and blended. Each type of family has its own unique characteristics and functions.
What are the main family structures?
There are many family structures, but the two most common are nuclear families and extended families.
Which are examples of family structures?
The best family tree site for free is FamilySearch.org. You can create a free account and begin building your family tree.
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