Importance of Corporate Culture

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It also conveys a sense of identity for organization members; it facilitates commitment to something larger than individual self-interest; and lastly, it enhances the stability of the social system (Robbins and Judge, 2018). Ehteshamul and Muhammad (2011) asserted that corporate culture helps members of the organisation to understand what the firm stands for, its operation, and its area of focus as well as scope of practice. Corporate culture assist workers make sense of what goes on and why things happen in the firm; and also it serve as social glue that bonds individuals together and makes them feel part of the firm experience (McShane and Von Glinow, 2018).

However, the culture of every organization can either be strong or weak. Jones and George (2017) asserted that when organizational members share an intense commitment to cultural values, beliefs, and routines and use them to achieve their goals, a strong organizational culture exists but when organizational members are not strongly committed to a shared system of values, beliefs, and routines, organizational culture is weak. Tsai (2011) added that a firm with a strong culture has common values and codes of conduct for its workers, which assist them to accomplish their objectives. Work recognition and job satisfaction can be achieved when employees can complete the tasks assigned to them by the organization. However, a research by O’Reilly, Chatman and Caldwell (1991); and Chatman and Jehn (1994) revealed that organisational culture is characterized with innovation and risk taking; attention to detail; outcome orientation; people orientation (respect for people); team orientation; aggressiveness; and stability. This study focuses on two major dimensions of organisational culture as obtainable in the fast food restaurants across Nigeria. These indicators include attention to details and team orientation. Food been one of the physiological need of man is given a precise attention by fast food restaurants in terms of cleanliness, tastefulness and quality standards. Teams are usually involved in every section of fast food restaurant beginning from the production to service departments. Team cohesiveness is the glue that bonds all the employees of fast restaurants as most of them are interdependent on one another to achieve organisational goals.

Nevertheless, one of the objectives of every firm is for their culture to improve the performance of its employees’ through effectiveness and efficiency (McShane and Von Glinow, 2018). Kinicki and Kreitner (2003) affirmed that one of the indicators of employee performance is effectiveness which implies doing the right thing at the right time. Therefore, if an employee can complete his/her assignment at the time expected with available resources, then such employee is said to have performed. On the other hand, if that employee uses minimal resources to achieve the objective, the employee is said to be efficient. Hence, employee performance is dependent on the culture of the organization which stimulates the employees to work as teams as well as pay adequate attention to every detail as may be prescribed by the supervisor or any other superior in the workplace. The existence of organisational culture is for every employee to know what the leaders or owners or founders of the firm really believed in. This is how culture is metamorphosed into assumptions, values and belief systems which make one firm to be unique and distinct from the other.

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Importance of Corporate Culture. (2020, Sep 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/essay-on-corporate-culture/



What are 3 benefits of a strong corporate culture?
A strong corporate culture can increase employee engagement, improve productivity, and enhance overall company performance. It can also attract and retain top talent, foster innovation and creativity, and promote a positive brand image.
What corporate culture means and why it is important?
Corporate culture is the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of the people in an organization. It is important because it affects the way employees think, feel, and behave, and how they interact with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
Why is company culture important in the workplace?
A strong company culture can help to improve employee morale and motivation, and can contribute to a more positive work environment.
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