E-waste Or Electronic Waste

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In the electronics industry there is a common problem no matter which subsection you are in. E-waste is produced when electronics such as cell phones or desktop computers are not properly disposed of. This can include littering, throwing out batteries, and even tossing cables. In order to fix this problem we need to make this issue widely known as well as the damage it causes us and the environment. An issue in today’s world is the use of electronics without giving much thought to the effect it has on us and the environment.

These effects while small to us are detrimental to the world around us and can potentially lead to the extinction of species around the globe though the toxic chemicals found in electronics such as alkaline metals, lithium ion, and LCD displays. These materials also take a long time to decompose sometimes taking centuries. The most obvious culprit of this issue is the IT and computer repair industry. This issue was brought to my attention by my IT class when I saw a bucket of old electronics. These electronics where going to be put to waste but rather than doing that our teachers suggested we recycle the items properly. While recycling electronics can be tedious, inconvenient and expensive, it still must be done to keep the environment clean and safe for future generations. This issue will not directly affect us but rather our descendants forever.

The solution I propose is mostly about awareness to corporations and communities anywhere it is possible. One of the biggest things we can do is provide areas for people to drop off old electronics so we can disassemble and dispose of components properly. I can use my knowledge on electronics and the industry to help lead this project with the help of others. While the scale we are using is small we hope to set the example for communities in the area and have a spreading effect across Texas and maybe eventually across The States. I believe gaining everyone’s attention to this issue and allowing people more opportunities to contribute will help immensly. The goal is to make this process as easy and accessible as possible to all people. When we make the process cheap and efficient it will attract people to contribute.

We also wish to provide a service that reuses any parts capable for repairs saving money and keeping as many electronics out of the dump and in use by consumers. The main issue with electronics is the durability. When a phone does not turn on we immediately either buy a new phone or fork over the hefty price for repairs. If we use recycled parts we can reduce the cost of repairs encouraging more and more people to recycle their old electronics. This project will have little to no negative effect other than the cost of disassembly and repairs especially with devices that need specialized people or tools to open and repair

Over the course of my 4 years in the IT pathway I have learned many things. We have learned how to inventory. How to ticket, repair, disassemble, reuse, and dispose of electronics wasting as little resources as possible. All of these skills can be used in this type of project to help keep costs down. The disassembly and repair process will be the most costly and time consuming process. Because of this we will have a lot of backup. Which is why a ticketing system must be used. We must track all incoming and outgoing devices to make sure nothing is being wasted. After we disassemble a device we must keep all working parts. We will use these parts in the future for other devices that may need it. Doing this cuts down on waste and prevents birds from chocking on home buttons and dying of cancer so you know it pays off. All the technical skills used in the IT industry can be utilized in this type of project.

In conclusion, a project like this could take years to pull off, but will prevent centuries of damage that may even be irreversible. The amount of waste we have already produced is insane and needs to be dealt with and the best way to do this is by recycling whatever we can and keeping as much toxicity out of the landfills as possible. Setting the example for future generations is the best thing we can do right now and making it a standard among communities across the United States and the world by doing our part in recycling and reusing whatever we can and raising our children to be conservation minded and aware of the situation around the world and in their communities and environments


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E-waste Or Electronic Waste. (2022, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/e-waste-or-electronic-waste/

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