Dog as a Pet in Your Life Personal Essay

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The relationship with dogs play an important role in many people’s lives. In addition to seeing-eye dogs and dogs that can be trained to detect seizures, dogs can also be used in occupational therapy, speech therapy, or physical rehabilitation to help patients recover. Aside from these designated therapeutic roles, dogs are also valued as companions, which can certainly affect the quality of our lives.

Dogs and humans have developed a symbiotic relationship, no surprise that a dog is often called a man’s best friend.

Impact of dogs in our life

A relationship with dog may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and regulating the heart rate during stressful situations. In a 2002 study, researchers measured changes in heart rate and blood pressure among people who had a dog, compared to those who did not. People with a dog had lower resting heart rates and blood pressure measures at the beginning of the experiment than non-dog owners. People with a dog were also less likely to have spikes in heart rates and blood pressure while performing the math task, and their heart rates and blood pressure returned to normal more quickly. They also made fewer errors in their math when their dogs was present in the room. All these findings indicated that having a dog lowered the risk of heart disease, as well as lowering stress so that performance improved. Findings suggest that the social support that a dog provides can make a person feel more relaxed and decrease stress. Social support from friends and family can have similar benefits, but interpersonal relationships often cause stress as well, whereas a dog may be less likely to cause stress. The social support provided by a dog might also encourage more social interactions with people, reducing feelings of isolation or loneliness. For example, walking with a dog has been found to increase social interaction, especially with strangers, compared to walking without a dog. As is true with any relationship, a relationship with a dog is likely to be more rewarding than others. Some people are more attached to their dog than others and those feelings could influence the impact of the dog on the person’s health.

In a family a children’s emotional development can be greatly influenced by having a dog in the family. When a child has no brothers or sisters, research shows that pets help children develop greater empathy, higher self-esteem, and increased participation in social and physical activities. Because of their nonjudgmental nature, unconditional love and loyalty, dogs help children who are quite, shy, or suffer from anxiety. Many children and adults alike, who have difficulty reading, have benefited from reading to dogs. A dog listens contently as a person reads aloud, never offering any negative feedback, which boosts confidence and improves reading and comprehension skills. As mentioned previously, dogs are excellent companions; they are solidly devoted to their master. For this reason, dogs increase a person’s sense of happiness, security, and they ease loneliness for people who are divorced, single, or are survivors of deceased loved ones. Dogs bring about in people, feelings of self-worth, sometimes when other people cannot. They make people feel needed and wanted.

The effect of human-dog interaction on health is not fully understood because it is difficult to study. Most evidence on the benefits of having a dog comes from surveys of current health, but that means it is impossible to know if a person is in good health because of a dog or if because the person is in good health. Someone whose health is poor may decide he does not have the time or energy to care for a dog. The German study described above suggests that having a dog for a longer period of time is more beneficial to your health; but it is also possible that people with dogs have less time to spare to go to the doctor or are less concerned about their own health, especially minor ailments. In addition, people who love their pets are likely to want to let researchers know that their dogs help improve their lives. This could bias the study results. Leaving all this aside we can say that a dog is the one that makes people’s bond with them grows ever stronger. In addition to dogs benefiting humans socially, and improving their health, they also work with the government and law enforcement to help protect us. For many years, dogs served alongside soldiers in times of war. Because of dogs’ keen sense of hearing and smell, some dogs were trained as scouts to help find concealed threats such as landmines and even snipers. Additionally, dogs are trained in narcotic detection to assist in the war on drugs. Sniffing dogs, as they are sometimes referred to, are found at airports, railway stations and at border crossings, where high levels of security and anti-contraband measures are needed. Many dogs also assist with search and rescue missions (SAR). SAR dogs are indispensable for wilderness tracking, during natural disasters, or locating missing people.


The relationship between dogs and humans has changed vastly from the time when the first wolf approached the flicker of a fire at the center of a human encampment. Today, dogs serve a multitude of roles in nearly every facet of human life. From protector to detector of impending health crisis to friend, dogs benefit one’s lives in many ways. Dogs are no longer just companions; they are quickly becoming an indispensable part of people’s lives, formed a symbiotic relationship and have become the best friend in one’s life.


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Dog as a Pet in Your Life Personal Essay. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/dog-as-a-pet-in-your-life/



How does a dog impact your life?
Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health . Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults.
What are 5 good reasons to get a dog?
1. Dogs provide companionship and can help reduce feelings of loneliness. 2. Dogs can help to increase levels of physical activity and encourage their owners to get outside and exercise more. 3. Dogs can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. 4. Dogs can provide comfort and support during difficult times. 5. Dogs can be a lot of fun and can help to brighten up your day.
What dogs bring to your life?
Dogs bring companionship, love, and joy to your life. They are always happy to see you and make great cuddling partners.
Why is it good to have a dog as a pet?
Your canine companion can offer comfort and ease your worries . Multiple studies show that dogs and therapy dogs help alleviate stress and anxiety. Even just petting a familiar dog lowers blood pressure, heart rate, slows breathing, and relaxes muscle tension.
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