Virtue ethics is one of the ancient ethical theories that is essentially used in governing the relationship between individuals and aids in decision-making realms. As described by Aristotle, that the path to true happiness and acquiring genuine flourishment as humankind is through living a life of virtue (Quinn 226). Virtue ethics theory offers a broad spectrum in determining effective decision-making through critical thinking and consideration of different factors leading to development of an efficient result. Besides, the two types of virtues. Intellectual virtues are associated with reasoning and truth; moral virtues related to development of new virtues as a result of repetition of relevant virtuous actions. For instance, if an individual often communicates the truth, they are likely to acquire the virtue of honesty as a result of consistent practice in truth-telling. Both these virtues, combined to illustrate the meaning of Virtue ethic theory provide relevant information that promotes personal ethical decision making.
A virtuous person is an individual whose livelihood is based on the virtues and cannot engage in activities that violate or contradict with their beliefs. Virtue ethics revolves around the person performing an action, the action being performed, and the consequences subjected by the actions. That is, a righteous person will do a rightful action at the right time to the right individual. Personal decision making requires an individual to be true in their action so that they may achieve the desired outcome. On the other hand, if an individual violates the rule of virtue ethics, they are likely to suffer the consequences of the outcome achieved. However, a vice might occur certain circumstances that protect an individual from achieving the desired flourishment in life. Numerous vices can be associated with a single virtue and instill some deficiencies in the desired outcomes.
Virtue ethics promotes equity and equality towards every individual without any biases based on race discrimination, gender, sex, or even friendship. Obligations, rights, and consequences are not considered under the theory but the value of being virtuous. Personal decision making requires an individual to be truthful and honest at all times. For instance, using false information on a profile to secure a job vacancy is not virtuously ethical and is violates individual’s self-respect. It is, therefore, important to honor every aspect of personal decision to achieve happiness in life. Moreover, doing something according to the beliefs and regulations of virtue ethic theory prevents regrets in the future or in case the outcomes are undesirable. The peace of the heart, mind, and soul are important that satisfying physical needs.
In response to the beliefs raised against virtue ethics, for a character to be considered virtuous, it is important to understand that the society is not a homogenous setting. Hence, different people consider different actions are virtuously ethical. Besides, virtues are acquired through constant learning and interaction with different people. Therefore, when an individual is growing and interacting with different people, they acquire enough information to decide on which actions are virtuous or vice. Even though it is argued that virtue ethics cannot be used in making government policies, the individuals involved in government duties are expected to be virtuous through appropriately representing the people and the interest of the country. Besides, an act should be considered virtuous with no violation of other people’s beliefs and promotes productivity, growth, and development.