Cross-Cultural Management Research

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Real Estate Management brings employees from all walks of life to the industry. Within one organization, we can see a site manager with no formal education to a recent MBA grad entering the industry also working as a site manager. There are certain markets where this the gap in education is lessened like New York, Seattle or Los Angeles. However, in the Gulf Coast which includes Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas, the education gap is significant. Most of my assets are in the Louisiana so that will be my focus.

Prior to Hurricane Katrina large sections of the city was boarded up due to a lack of small businesses, high crime and a diversified industry outside of service. Most of the service industry was isolated to the French Quarter leaving other areas of the city vacant. The city has experienced substantial growth since the storm largely from outside investors. The Central Business District (CBD) was almost completely abandon, today the CBD is busy with foot traffic, new shops, condos and apartments. As out of state investor continue to pour into the city, the gap between our needed workforce and the workforce available to us is becoming severe. If we cannot figure out a way to utilize the local workforce or bring in a more qualified workforce from other areas.

As an outsider managing locals in the CBD, New Orleans East, and Up Town neighborhoods, I have had significant issues with the local talent being computer literate, being able to communicate effectively and having a diverse workforce while achieving the basic principles of Organizational Behavior. Although sufficient research has been done on an on cross-cultural challenges on an international level, little has been researched on a national level. Each region in the United States has its own set of cultural norms, social standards and in some cases underdeveloped markets making them perfect for outside investors. Although New Orleans is a perfect emerging market, the failing local talent may slow future developments.


Cross-Cultural Management Research: The Ostrich and the Trend was published in 1983 to demonstrate the trends in cross-cultural management papers published in 24 journals during one decade, 1971 to 1980, are examined. It was determined that less than 5% of organizational behavior (OB) articles published in management papers focused on cross-cultural matters. Most of the cross-cultural articles were single culture studies and less than 1% explored the interface between employees of diverse cultures. There was no increase seen in the quantity of worldwide organizational behavior research articles over the decade. I chose this this article to demonstrate the lack of cross-cultural research prior to the 1980’s. Although cross-cultural interactions throughout the world predate the 1980’s, why did researchers fail to see the global significance of this area of study?

Cross-Cultural Code-Switching: The Psychological Challenges of Adapting Behavior in Foreign Cultural Interactions also a great study published in 2005 as previous research on cultural revision focused on the challenges and consequences related with long-standing revision to a foreign culture. Very little has been focused on the dynamics of cultural revision related to single connections, which is the foundation of these long-term patterns. The idea behind this this was to fill the gap by introducing the idea of cross-cultural code-switching and providing an account of the psychological obstructions people face in effectively adjusting their behavior(s) in foreign cultural interactions.

I believe the most relevant research, Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior Annual Review of Psychology in 2007 reviews a study on cross-cultural Organizational Behavior (OB). After a review of cross-cultural OB, the researchers studied specific research on work motivation as well as the influences that invigorate, direct, and sustain effort across cultures. Next the researchers deliberate on the relationship between an individual and the organization and reviewed the research available on culture and organizational promise, psychological contracts, citizenship behavior, justice and individual environment fit. Afterwards, the researchers looked at how individuals manage their interdependence on organizations, and review research on culture and negotiation and disputes, team formation, team leadership and overall leadership, followed by research on difficulties managing across borders. The evaluation demonstrations that developmentally, cross-cultural research in OB is maturing. However, the researchers shed light on critical challenges for the coming research, including moving past standards to clarify cultural differences, attending to stages of study issues, incorporating social and organizational background factors into cross-cultural study, taking native viewpoints seriously, and moving beyond intracultural contrasts to understand the subtleties of cross-cultural interfaces. This research is the area we need to see more when entering emerging US markets. Certainly, more could be researched covering how to effectively lead a team in a US emerging market with team leaders from leading US markets without the emerging market employees being resentful.

Cross-National, Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior Research: Advances, Gaps, and Recommendations published in 2003 claims the advent of the 21st century has witnessed an increased interest in the knowledge of international management to meet the needs of a global organizations development. To demonstrate the progress in organizational behavior study with respect to national culture as the main descriptive variable, the authors examined 93 studies printed in 16 leading management journals from 1996 to 2005. This analysis demonstrations advances but also categorizes numerous gaps in both the theory and methods. They offer recommendations to address these gaps and advance future research. Offering the gap in research is how to consolidate cultural values toward a configuration approach, because nation and culture do not necessarily overlap, an approach that includes national difference beyond cultural differences toward a polycontextural approach should be developed. This is completely the case with the New Orleans market. Levering to effectively comingle the cultures will assist in developing the market further.

A Review of Cross-Cultural Methodologies for Organizational Research: A Best- Practices Approach Cross-cultural studies that use self-report instruments can present researchers with challenges. This article reviews the organizational research literature between 1995 and 2001 to recognize joint practices widespread in this area of research. Key procedural problems are studied within the context of a three-stage framework; development of the research question(s), the arrangement of the research frameworks and lastly, the proof of the research instrument. This scrutiny helps as a basis for the identification of best-practice recommendations in cross-cultural researchers.


Although research in the area of cross-cultural cooperation and communication for the purpose of healthy Organizational Behavior has increased since the early 1980’s, its main focus has been on the international level. When working in New Orleans the need for an appropriate entrance strategy from outside investors will be suggested if the organization intends on getting the highest and best use of local human capital. This will be especially true if the organization wants to avoid accusations of ethnocentrism, favoritism or outright racism. Furthermore, figuring out a way for productive organizations to develop healthier cross-culture collaboration, motivation and dedication from less productive workforces in the United States will make entering domestic emerging markets more desirable.

Cite this paper

Cross-Cultural Management Research. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/cross-cultural-management-research/



What are the goals of cross cultural management studies?
The goals of cross cultural management studies are to understand and appreciate the differences in cultures, and to learn how to manage people from different cultures effectively.
What is cross cultural management example?
Cross cultural management is the process of managing people from different cultures. For example, a company with employees in many countries would need to manage the diverse cultures in order to be successful.
What is cross cultural management theory?
The cross cultural management theory is a theory that explains how different cultures manage their businesses. The theory is based on the idea that there are four main types of cultures: individualistic, collectivist, hierarchical, and egalitarian.
What is cross-cultural research method?
the systematic study of human psychological processes and behavior across multiple cultures, involving the observation of similarities and differences in values, practices, and so forth between different societies.
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