Classification of Political Beliefs in a Political Spectrum Survey

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After completing the “political spectrum” survey, I would classify my political beliefs as left-wing. Left-wing politicians accept and support egalitarianism and social equality, as opposed to social inequality and social hierarchy. Left-wing politics is concerned for the members of society who are at a disadvantage related to others that are born with privilege. There is also a belief that there are unwarranted inequalities still evident that need to be reduced or obliterated. I classify my beliefs as left-wing because I have certain views that correspond with the beliefs of left-wing politicians. The left-wing liberals believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government and strongly support human rights and equality. Some examples of this are the healthcare system, abortion, gay marriage, food stamps and laws that protect our environment.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states in section 15 that “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.” A statement on the “political spectrum” survey stated, “Same sex marriages should not be legally recognized” I strongly disagreed. Left wing politicians support gay marriage, anti-discrimination laws and the LGBT community, Sexuality and expression is a fundamental freedom that every human being is entitled to. Everyone should have the right to be with and marry whomever they decide to I strongly support the LGBT community as well and believe that they should not be treated as lesser human beings based on whom they love.

Another statement from the survey is “Abortion should always be illegal’i I strongly disagreed, As a young woman, I am pro-choice. Left»wingers also are in favour of abortion rights and the research dedicated towards stem cells If abortion were illegal, there would still be no way of enforcing such a law. Women would go out and find back alley abortions that could risk the woman’s health and well-being, Stem cell research is very important to understanding our human development. For example, stem cell research has great potential to teach us about how birth defects occur and how they can be prevented or even reversed. An additional statement posed on the “political spectrum survey” is “I support the use of the death penalty for first-degree murder (planned & deliberate)” I answered with strongly disagree.

Those on the left side of the spectrum would agree that the death penalty is barbaric and that it does not deter crime. There have been several individuals on death row that were innocent and killed, or exonerated many years later I have acquired these attitudes and beliefs from celebrities in the media standing up for social equality Stars like Emma Watson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are very involved in the constant battle of human rights and gender equality. These stars inspired me to become more aware of our fundamental rights and freedoms and by this, I have learned that people all across the globe do not have these basic human rights. In addition, I have also seen inequality firsthand My cousin is a lesbian and is living in America.

She is currently fighting for the right to marry the love of her life. Seeing her go through the emotional struggles of fighting for love makes me disagree with making same-sex marriage illegal, In grade 10 English class, I had to do a research topic for my summativet My topic was the affects on those who have abortions. Through doing my research and learning about some of the women’s stories, my perspective on abortions drastically changed, Before I was against it, considered it murders Now I realize, it isn’t an easy decision to make for many. We should respect their decision, sometimes that’s the decision they must make to better themselves I certainly agree with the left-wing approach to abortion on not making it illegal.

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Classification of Political Beliefs in a Political Spectrum Survey. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/classification-of-political-beliefs-in-a-political-spectrum-survey/

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