Benefits of Community Service for Older Adults

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Volunteering is appealing since it values people’s lives and benefits to society. According to some researches, a lot of individuals from different age scales engage in volunteering activities. Variable motives can cause to become a volunteer. Some motivations such as enhanced sense of purpose, personal growth, and continued productivity lead older adults to become a volunteer. Volunteerism reflects personal values and identities. Volunteerism support the individuals lives physically, mentally, and socially, yet whatever the reason is. In this study, the benefits of volunteering for older adults are tried to be revealed.

Volunteering provides physical health for older adults. The apprehension of better health and lower morbidity percentages are two main physical health determinations for older adults who volunteer. Van Willegen (2000) studied knowledge from more than 2,000 people and specified that older adults observed considerable alterations in their sensed health according to younger volunteers. Another significant determination in research is the lower morbidity percentages. Brown and Colleague’s research showed that older adults who volunteer less suffered from illnesses compared to non-volunteer groups.

Not only the physical health benefits but also the mental health benefits are gained by volunteering in older ages. An older adult has a chance to participate in the entire society. This connection impacts their cognitive brain functions in a positive way. Some researchers suggest that volunteering helped some individuals whose role identities such as a parent, employee, spouse were absent. Changing role identities affects many people in a negative way and cause some mental diseases such as depression and feeling lonely. At that point, volunteering plays a significant role to enforce their mental health. In addition to volunteering enhances life satisfaction, well-being, and the standard of life. It makes the older adults feel living for a good life purpose since volunteering is accepted as a good virtue by most of the societies.

The last benefit of volunteering for older adults is social benefits. Older adults have a chance for connection to other people. They could gain new managing techniques and find crucial social support. They might learn new skills which they desire to gain before but were not able to have any time to acquire them. Roland & Van Puymbroeck stated, “Rook and Sorkin found that volunteers in the Foster Grandparent Program experienced an increase in new relationships and social ties due to their participation in the program.”. Volunteering since it is a productive action supplies to bridge intergenerational relationships. Thus the knowledge is transformed into another generation.

To sum up, this study tried to analyze the benefits of volunteering for older adults since it is important for the individual’s physical and mental health and social life. Feeling more healthy and less ill compared to the others are physical benefits. To take part in society increases life satisfaction and mental health especially during role changing. Because of being productive action it provides to learn new skills and tie with new generations in older adults social lives.


  1. Bradley, D. B. (1999-2000). A Reason to Rise Each Morning: The Meaning of Volunteering in the Lives of Older Adults. Generations, 45-50.
  2. Roland, C., & Van Puymbroeck, M. (2007). Research Update: Seniors Benefit from Volunteerism. Parks&Recreation, 26-29.

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Benefits of Community Service for Older Adults. (2020, Sep 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/benefits-of-community-service-for-older-adults/



What are benefits of volunteering in older adults?
Volunteering in older adults provides opportunities to stay active, socialize, and contribute to their community, which can improve their physical and mental health, enhance their sense of purpose and fulfillment, and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, volunteering can provide older adults with new skills and experiences, as well as opportunities to learn from and connect with people of different ages and backgrounds.
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