Automotive Engineer in My Future Career

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My name is Hammad Khan and I am in 10th grade. My current hobbies are playing video games, watching and playing Football, and learning about cars. Currently, my high school major is engineering which is broken down into 9 sections: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Computer Science Principles, Digital Electronics, Environmental Sustainability, and Engineering Design and Development. These are to be completed by the end of high school. All of these sections will support my main college major which is automotive engineering. Automotive engineers research, design, and develop vehicles and their subsystems. They work with sophisticated technologies to create products that thrill the senses and bring the freedom of mobility to the world.

Being an automobile engineer is no longer just limited to working on cars. Today, an automobile engineer has to design new vehicles and work on improving existing ones, become part of research and development in order to determine solutions to various engineering challenges, and even engage in production which also means designing and planning the latest production processes. Automobile engineers are dedicated to finding solutions for the challenges that we face when it comes to personal mobility. They look at how the current cars should look and feel, but that isn’t all they do. They are looking at mobility that is sustainable, auto-driven cars, and even working out mobility on Mars. The profession is global in a way few professions are.

The fact is that automobile companies are present all over the world. This also means that there are different cultures and languages to deal with. An automotive engineer doesn’t work with the narrow bounds of simply your own culture. They communicate on a level that is completely global and respect and interact with cultures other than our own. They also expand linguistic skills and learning how to work and get along with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. The automotive industry isn’t just about cars. It includes a plethora of other related industries, for example, fuel specialists. Some of the biggest global companies belong to this particular field and if I become an automotive engineer I might have the chance to work with them.

To get the vehicle from the drawing board to the factory to your driveway, every step of making a car is reliant on automotive engineering. Automotive engineering is a specialized form of mechanical engineering, and degrees in this field are generally offered at the master’s degree level. Undergraduate degrees are offered in automotive engineering technology at the bachelor’s and associate’s degree levels. The median salary is $87,370 for mechanical engineers (automotive engineering is a branch of mechanical engineering); Demand is rising at about 9% per year, with 25,300 new jobs expected by 2026 for all mechanical engineers. The required education you have to have is a Bachelor’s degree, many have a master’s degree.

Many engineers work in office environments and have to do some field testing. There are 3 main types of automotive engineers. First are Design Engineers which are automotive engineers who design cars that are familiar with the intricate details of the hydraulic, electrical, and mechanical systems inside a vehicle. They use their knowledge of fluid dynamics and materials science to develop new cars that perform better while being safer, more efficient, and cheaper. Car designers frequently develop specialties in automotive engineering for design improvement, like noise, vibration, and handling, safety, or emissions control. Second is Development Engineers; they research and development engineers are on the cutting edge of automotive engineering, making the cool stuff that’s planned for tomorrow’s automobiles actually work.

For example, automotive engineers in America are working on everything from fuel caps that prevent you from putting the wrong kind of gas into your car to keypad locks that are invisible until you touch them. Development engineers help to get interesting concepts into the finished product. The third is the Production Engineers. Once the design of a car has been finalized, production engineers work in car factories to make sure the process of manufacturing goes smoothly. Automotive engineering jobs in production include designing and constructing new factories and machinery, writing specifications for manufacturing equipment, and developing automotive engineering safety procedures.


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Automotive Engineer in My Future Career. (2021, Oct 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/automotive-engineer-in-my-future-career/



Is automobile engineering good for future?
Yes, automobile engineering is a good field for the future because it is a rapidly growing industry with new technologies being developed all the time. There is a lot of room for advancement in this field, and it is a well-paid profession.
What is automotive engineering career?
Automotive engineering is the process of designing, developing and manufacturing vehicles. It is a career that combines creativity, science and technology.
What is the future outlook for a automotive engineer?
The future outlook for a automotive engineer is very positive. They will continue to be in high demand and will be able to find employment easily.
Why do you want to be an automotive engineer?
I do not know.
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