Auteur Filmmaking in Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby”

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The 1925 Novel was formed into a film known as The Great Gatsby and it was directed by Baz Luhrmann and released on August 6, 2012. A true auteur uses all the essentials of film available to them. Baz Lurhmann has without any question, a signature style and is one of the greatest Auteur Directors of our time, He turns his films into a masterpiece because he gives it his own personal touch through vision and voice, The Auteur Theory is originated in France in 1954 and it is based upon the idea that even though a film requires the contributions from many people, the director has the last decision for the finished work, Baz Luhrmann is known for his romance films part of the “Red Curtain Trilogy” like Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliet, and strictly ballroom.

The great Gatsby was Baz Lurhmann’s first 3D film; the film is adapted from F, Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The main characters in the Great Gatsby film are Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan and Tom Buchanan. The story is based in New-York during the 20″ century and was about people seeking for the American dream, specifically in this story the one searching for wealth is Nick Carraway. He meets a millionaire known as Jay Gatsby, who has fallen in love with his cousin, Daisy who is in fact already married to a wealthy man, Tom Buchanan. Daisy and Jay Gatsby turned out having a love affairt Nick started to have a love-hate relationship about his new lifestyle.

There are three premises of the auteur theory and it is based on the technical competence of directors as a criterion of artistic value, the distinguishable personality or visual style of the director and the interior meaning. Based on this theory it is proven that Baz Luhrmann was not only a director but he was an anist, who was indeed responsible for the art in filmmaking. All Baz Lurhmann‘s films were categorized and the great Gatsby was categorized as Epic films, he was a person, director and auteur who expressed his views in creative ways A typical feature of Baz Luhrmanns Auteurism is when he represents the 20‘“ century. The visuals in the film are energetic, brightly coloured, theoretical and anti-naturalistic and these are also the elements that Baz Buhrmann’s films feature and this was pan of his signature style, just like when Jay Gatsby repeats “old sport”.

Baz Luhrmann also made a habit of live performances and his recurring themes of love and tragedy. He was all about modernizing the novel for others to understand The costumes the people wore in the film was modernized by well known designers such as tiffany’s, Prada and Brooks Brothers As an Auteur the sound that Baz Luhrmann uses in the film was a mixture of musical styles. (Directors influence on the great Gatsby. 2013)Like the film’s soundtrack, he mixed orchestra, jazz, and made it modern. He also decided to include modern form of African- American music known as hip-hop to make people of today understand how the people of the 20‘” century felt when they heard Jazz music.

Songs included like Jay-z “100$ bill” . Fergie’s “A Little Pany Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)” and Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” and many other modern music. The Imagery that occurs in the film that has gotten my attention is Gatsby’s house; the film is about the wealth in the 1920’s in America so it seems fitting to show Jay Gatsby’s huge mansion filled with expensive art, furniture and exteriori To win Daisy‘s affection, Gatsby bought her a house filled with servants and he had outrageous parties in his own ballroom. According to Luhrmann’s intention with the film is to show the “inner world in an outer way” .

The house Jay Gatsby bought for Daisy shows that the money Gatsby has is new money. Another imagery that caught my attention was the colours used on the characters like Daisy always wears white, and when she first appears in the film, she is surrounded in a big room with white curtains, which actually symbolizes her purity and innocence and this represents what Gatsby and others think of her, even though later on in the film, we find out she is far from innocent.

Yellow is also another colour used to represent themes. Jay Gatsby’s car is yellow and it represents his ‘new money’ and his hope and corruption. The cinematography in the film that is first noticed is the fact that the camera never stands still, especially in the first half of the movie, which created a sense of rhythm The lighting in the film is also very extreme and it made the characters stand out because they are even more visible than the background, especially Daisyt (cinematography in the great Gatsby,2016) There is no doubt in my mind that Baz Lurhmann is a true auteur.

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Auteur Filmmaking in Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby”. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/auteur-filmmaking-in-baz-luhrmanns-the-great-gatsby/

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