An Analysis of the Depiction of Horaces Philosophy of Life in Gather Ye Rosebuds, A Quiet Life, and Rustic Joys

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Horace’s philosophy of life, I believe, can be summed up quite effectively by this line on his poem Gather Ye Rosebuds, addressed to Leuconoe: “This day’s thine o Ext nay De denied. Horace IS all about finding fulfilment in life tnrougn enjoyment or “the present nour, and lving a ie Wortn ilving. He nnds no joy in wars or worries, but says that lire is only worth living it you can enjoy it as much as possible. Gather Ye Rosebuds is the first poem in which Horace attests to this philosophy of life.

He tells Leuconoe that he does not care what astrologers predict, or whatever may betall him, he believes that we are powerless to act in opposition to the fate of the world, so one should drink a lot, be happy, dont think about the future, and generally enjoy each day as it comes. Wh future uncertainties, time that you could be enjoying slips away. I think this shows Horace’s philosophy of life most strongly. While we debate politics or Horace also tells us that deciding to save and be stringent with money is a waste. “Enjoy your possessions while they are yours” isa poem that describes death, and the inevitability of it, but also contrasts it with the beauty of life that you could be enjoying right now. He describes a beautiful villa on the banks of he river Tiber, that you worked long and hard to purchase, just for your heirs to SwOop in and grab up all your hoarded gold, then presumably go and waste it.

Horace wants us t0 enjoy the use of ur money now, and not worry about leaving t to anyone, because you’ll be dead, and they’ll squander it anyway. He also entiond mentions this in “We all must die”, saying that death is inevitable, and your heirs wIll quickIy Torget aDout you once you re dead, so there ‘s no use giving them everytning you made. The philosophy of Horace also includes his wish to escape from all this”, in “A Quiet Life, ne talks at length about the fact that humans nght, humans struggle, humans Iive to find a calm and quiet lite after the fact. Soldiers endure their hunger, cold and marches because they want to return home to peace. Money and power doesn’t calm the chaos inside of one’s mind, nor does being king.

Horace preaches that one is with few means, but is perfectly happy with this means. and does not seek constantuy fate no bodvquards will let you wants, is peace and quiet, You cant escape your tate, no bodyguards will let you Outrun rear, so one should laugh and be merry to drown all or thOse negative reelings, and aim to ve a quiet, peacerdr re In “Enjoy the Present Hour”, Horace again shows his philosophy of living life to the fullest. He talks about a depressingly cold mountainside outside, but revels in the warmth of his hearth, the wine, and a bit of light conversation to pass the time. He says that the future is the gods’ domain, let them worry about the weather and the seasons, life and death, “Lay hold upon the present hour”, and live in the moment. He says that one day we will all see death coming for us, at some point, and old age will wrack our bodies, but one has to love their youth before these things, to live a fulflled life. The best times are now, and only the gods need worry about tomorrow.

Horace embraces his own philosophy in Rustic Joys, here talks about how blessed it is to be free from debts, from work, from creditors and other stresses of city life. Horace writes about the beauty of nature, and his love of just being in the countryside, living a quiet life of small pleasures. The man described is a skilled worker, and has skilful hands, Horace respects his skill at work, and the beauty of it. He says the pleasure of a simple life such as this would remove all troubles from the world, such as a lover lost. He romanticises a life in the countryside in the peace and quiet as something with no worries or preoccupations, and that all should strive to life like the man who works on the farm.

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An Analysis of the Depiction of Horaces Philosophy of Life in Gather Ye Rosebuds, A Quiet Life, and Rustic Joys. (2023, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-the-depiction-of-horaces-philosophy-of-life-in-gather-ye-rosebuds-a-quiet-life-and-rustic-joys/

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