Advantages of Teamwork

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Nowadays, a big company’s progress is not based on one leader but on a management team. Yet it’s not so easy to shape a genuinely workable, unified team. Nonetheless, the goals of organization have to be achieved, because when the team members does not get along, the whole company suffers. As a number of authors point out, the processes of command formation in organizations, due to their complexity, are difficult to study and manage, because in order to identify the true factors of regulation of organizational behavior it is necessary to penetrate to the deep layers of personal relations.

Most people who are working in the office, factory shop, or any other organization, every weekday contact their colleagues in one way or another. Many of them seem to fit together but not every group of colleagues can be considered a team. A team is people who work together on one task, who go to the same target, who communicate with each other continuously. Members of one working team are well-aware of each other ‘s tasks, constantly and openly communicate on working issues. The responsibility for achieving the common goal lies equally with everyone. Team workers are depending on each other, as well as they are sharing the pieces of work. And for some professions it is simply impossible to work alone.

Teamwork, however, does not exclude the personal work. It is sometimes necessary to carry out your part of the work relying only on your forces, but you can always ask your colleagues for some help in order to solve the problem. Members of a well-coordinated work team are not afraid to express their ideas to employees and criticize their ideas. At the same time, it is necessary to criticize and re-check the correctness of the decisions, because it may point out all the imperfections of the current work and finally lead to high quality of finished product.

The ability to work in a team consists of several important components. For example, the ability to find contact with any member of the team and openly engage in dialogue. On the other hand, (Michael M. Beyerlein, 2005) highlighted four approaches to team formation: targeting, interpersonal, role-playing and management lattice approach. He considered the first three approaches to be the main ways of forming teams.

The first one is “Targeting approach” (goal-based). This approach is based on improving the ability of team members to guide the selection and implementation of team goals. The process is carried out with the help of a consultant(manager). Goals can be strategic in nature or can be set according to activity, for example, as a change in productivity or level of sales. Targets can also be set as a change in the internal environment or any processes.

The second one is “Interpersonal approach”, it focuses on the improving of interpersonal relationships in a group and is based on the fact that interpersonal competence increases the effectiveness of a group ‘s existence as a team. Its purpose is to increase group trust, encourage joint support, and increase communications. The third one is “Role approach”. This approach involves discussion and negotiation among team members about their roles. This approach is based on assumption that the commands in the role plan consist of the different overlapping role ranges. In team behavior, much can be understood and changed by changing their performance, as well as individual perception of these roles.

Team members share knowledge, embrace and appreciate each other and devise team assignments. The sense of hospitality prevails, and partnerships differ with caution. At this point the position of Team Leader is crucial. He will concentrate on supporting teammates, meeting each other and building a pleasant working environment. The fears, confusion and hesitation of team members must be addressed as early as possible. The best way to do this is to clarify the goals, roles, responsibilities and procedures that are relevant to the team ‘s actions. By the way, if there are any foreigners in the team, all the cultural differences should be clarified as well, because the traditions differs from one country to another. What may be acceptable for one person could be fatal to another.

The team’s sense of unity requires a certain level of contact, which is accomplished not only by staff sessions, but also through the team members ‘ proximity. The direct personal interaction is very important in crisis situations. If a team is setting a very difficult goal to approach, in this complex, workflow needs regular feedback and approval. This is important for both the team and management actions towards the team. To be a team from the “inside” view it is to openly share the opinions and critics with their employees in order to achieve the best solution of the task. So team members will feel confident in the team even under the pressure of the difficult situations .

To be a team from the “outside” it simply means to regularly give the team the opportunity to present interim results and receive qualified feedback. Especially in crisis situations where the team doubts its own efficiency, it needs positive impulses and approval from outside. As a rule, the team is completely immersed in the solution of the task. Team trainings can become very useful for the team members, as it has the opportunity to think about the workflow after some period of time and helps to identify new sides , develop team skills, eliminate conflicts, to increase the trust. Trainings are important milestones, they give employees a time to evaluate their activities, stages of self-analysis. Finally, they are completely inevitable for successful team work.

To conclude, one of the main advantages of teamwork is that it reduces the number of possible difficulties and mistakes. A specialist working alone can miss some points. However, in the team, some gaps in the work may be noticed by another member. The professional skills of team members complement each other, and the work of one depends on the work of the other. The team works in the same rhythm, so the process moves faster. At the same time, even distribution of duties reduces the workload and tension of each employee. Working in a cohesive team also has a positive impact on the development of the personal qualities of each of all participants. The communication and creative qualities of the employee are improving as the work goes. Depending on the tasks assigned to the team, each participant sometimes has to act as a subordinate or as a manager. It contributes to the development of the leadership qualities of each member of the team.

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Advantages of Teamwork. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/advantages-of-teamwork/



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