A Study on the Teaching and Learning Literacy Approach for English Language Learners

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English Language Learners are students who are not fluent in English, and most of them come from non-English speaking backgrounds. It is therefore important to use the best approaches while teaching them to ensure that they grasp the basics of the English language within the shortest time possible. Specialized instructions in the English language are used to allow easy mastery of English language. They include learning vocabularies and language, accountable talk, close read, analysis of student work, questions to activate prior knowledge, cooperative learning, use of debates, use of jigsaw activities, use of simple writing assignments, and use of mixed- ability partner groups.

According to Sousa (2016), instructional strategies gives the students an effective learning environment while easing the work of the teachers. Given that there are several instructional strategies, the best of them are based on their ability to give first learners the opportunity to learn faster. Vocabulary and Language Some academic vocabularies may not be encountered in a normal conversation. Therefore, it is important to take enough time to teach the students the use of vocabularies in language, taking learners through academic vocabulary and language gives them an opportunity to understand class contexts and oral directions in a classroom.  Accountable Talk Accountable talk is another important instructional strategy that is helpful to beginners and intermediates Students are given an opportunity to talk in class while learning classroom talk on individual-level expression promotes sustainable learning and is accountable to other learners.

The students are made to use appropriate knowledge this helps the students get used to the rules of reasoning. Implementation of Jigsaw Activity Students are given sections of a book to read and master the contents of the sections assigned. Later, they are given the opportunity to present and teach the rest of the class members. This strategy is fundamental to learners since it makes them grasp large sections or contents easilyt Written assignments To build the writing skills of the learners, there is need to teach them and later give them assignments. The assignments would make each student develop his/her writing skills Conclusion English language learning is not easy to both the learner and the teacher. Thus it is important to choose the best instructional strategies that give the learner an easy time to learn without straining too much.

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A Study on the Teaching and Learning Literacy Approach for English Language Learners. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-study-on-the-teaching-and-learning-literacy-approach-for-english-language-learners/

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