A Report on an Interview with a Teacher: The Art of Creating Possibly the Best Learning Environment for Students

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During my comprehensive interview with an experienced influential educator, vital criterion such as passion, cultural sensitivity, classroom management, and subject mastery engender an exemplary learning environment for all types of students. The interviewee, a White- European middle-class female, has over fifteen years of teaching expertise with two bachelor’s degrees in education, specifically Language Arts and Mathematics. She is an eminent individual among her colleagues and involved in diverse school functions. The subject taught in class is Pre-calculus, one of few advance leveled math courses due to the effects of FCAT‘s end results. The teaching philosophy commonly used in class is progressivism for example; the students are interested and actively participate in solving problems on the board because of high expectations and drive, emulating from the professor’s hands-on approach, simplification, and scaffolding abilities in a group setting methodology.

A compromising harmony between diverse principles of pedagogy must exist to enhance and maximize student’s potential. At the start, curriculum and subject knowledge are discussed and researched from an educator‘s vantage point. The teacher prefers heterogeneous grouping because it creates a broader educational environment, one of ideas and diversity among the class. An example is the ineffectiveness of same sex schools versus gender-salad schools. The concept of individualized teaching is supported by providing a curriculum influenced from a teacher’s expectations to understand and modify student’s strengths and weaknesses when necessary. Educational needs should be flexible and challenging, focused on a variety of learning styles.

Similarly, emphasis must be distributed in assignments and activities of real-life problems through oral discussions, exercises, and projects enkindling enthusiasm and mastery of concepts. Her use of technology with supportive software and awareness of copyright laws enable student’s to expand critical thinking and problem-solving abilities on assignments and exercises incorporated in the computer lab. As a teacher, examples of key concepts such as materials, procedure, and objectives are shown in her pedagogy as well as awareness of student’s needs throughout lesson plan development. The following area in the interview is a vital foundation universal in business known as management. Classroom management along with subject knowledge and passion are crucial engines of instruction.

In managing a class, the professor accents tools soliciting student performance such as course syllabus with adherence to rules, consequences, and reinforcement supplementing discipline for students to learn Discipline in schools is a responsibility for all staff members, from the principals to the janitors, to efface an aversive stimulus among students, A reward system is commonly used in the classrooms to encourage positive desired behavior and rectify student‘s low expectations and interest, If necessary, the professor will solicit additional resources for example, parentsr Above all, a lighted, spacious, clean, colorful, and comfortable environment enriching education and accommodating all groups (Bicultural, Disabled, etc) throughout the school day is fundamental Because parents are an influential entity in school government, an exemplary teacher must establish positive communications and relations between active school personnel (iie. Teachers) and potential mentors or tutors (Le. Parents).

The concerned teacher informs parents of all policy, plans, and goals by any avenue and collaborates to reinforce lessons and skills at home. The interviewee infers parents as a link between the community and schools engendering success among all in the populace[An0091]r My final inquiry for the charismatic teacher is relationships with students, In this controversial subject, her desired student is a self-motivated individual yearning to learn. At<risk students, her expertise, are encouraged and challenged, resulting in mitigation of their hindrances. Her response differentiating instruction for students shows culture-sensitivity by incorporating student diversity teaching methodologies rather than presuming notions of dominant homogenous groups in the classroom.

Her assessment, which I agree, are graded and scored on class work, experiments, presentations, portfolios, and hands-on projects, Extra work is rewarded with bonus points and group activities are always welcomed, One vital aspect in student relationships is the history of the individual. Information such as student’s performance, family, culture and linguistic background including special needs serve to positively influence student‘s growth, education, and a profound difference of success in their life, In conclusion, unofficially, I can infer the teacher’s strengths are passion, motivation, and determination in education.

Her opinion on the FCAT limiting student’s potential and advance courses in school deter her dreams of making a profound difference in a student’s life She has all the qualities of a model teacher such as patience, creativity, humor, and talent Her motto of “going beyond the norms” shows genuine traits of an ideal teacher[An0091]. My observational scrutiny of her concludes two main points: Emulating similar principles are the keys to unlocking contemporary pedagogy and teacher’s aggressiveness, arrogance, and other negative phenomena should not enter schools.

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A Report on an Interview with a Teacher: The Art of Creating Possibly the Best Learning Environment for Students. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-report-on-an-interview-with-a-teacher-the-art-of-creating-possibly-the-best-learning-environment-for-students/

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