A Fire Outbreak in My Neighborhood Argumentative Essay

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Fire is a good servant but a bad master. I recall a fire accident that took place in our neighborhood last week.it was the saddest day of my life. The night the fire outbreak occurred the weather that night was very hot and most people were sleeping outside their houses, because they could not bear the hot.

At 2pm I suddenly heard frantic cries of people shouting fire, I quickly get up from my bed at once and opened the window, I look from the window, I saw clouds of smoke rising from a house in our neighborhood. I immediately rang up the fire brigade and told them about the fire outbreak in my neighborhood, I gave them the address of the house, they assured me their coming to the scene of the fire within ten minute and I also called the police to inform them about the fire out breaks.

On reaching the scene of the fire, I saw a large crowd of people who Had already gathered there, the screams of the children trapped inside the house were getting burden by some people who were watching this heart-rending spectacle, with sad and heavy heart.

The were thinking of how to save the children and their grandmother, while neighbors entered the house from the backside and stalled throwing on the road, whatever house hold properties they could lay their hands on. Their idea was to salvage what ever they could, some of the youth in our neighborhood and some members of the public were bringing bucket of water after a near by house, some threw sand on the fire to extinguished it, until the arrival of the fire brigade men. they tried their best, but the wind was strong, the fire kept on ranging and enveloping more and more portion of the house.

Few minutes the fire brigade men arrive at the spot within the ten-minute, five fire men with each fire engine they were wearing the fire fighter cloth and helmet’s, just then a contingent of police men from the police station also arrived at the scene.

The councilor and the hourable for our constituency also rushed to the scene, they were anxious to inquires as to whose house had caught fire and whether any person was trapped inside. They told them that two little children and their grandmother were inside the house at the time of the fire and no one had seen them coming outside, the parent of these children were standing outside the house weeping bitterly, they were praying to God for the safety of their children.

The police cordoned off the affected area the fire men of the fire brigade swung in to action immediately they showered a lot of water on the the fire from their hose pipes, two fire men went in to the house and they brought out the dead bodies of the children and their grandmother, everybody started weeping, I could not bear to see the parent crying, when I look into their full with tears I just remember my own children that were sleeping. I immediately ran back home to see my children.

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A Fire Outbreak in My Neighborhood Argumentative Essay. (2020, Dec 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-fire-outbreak-in-my-neighborhood/



What causes fire outbreaks?
Fire outbreaks are caused by a combination of three elements: heat, oxygen, and fuel. When these elements come together in the right conditions, a fire can ignite and spread quickly.
What is a fire outbreak?
A fire outbreak is a sudden, destructive fire that burns intensely and quickly.
What will you do if you see fire in your neighborhood?
If you see fire in your neighborhood, you should call the fire department and evacuate the area.
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