In the past two decades, since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the population of the world has increased more rapidly than at any other timeline in history, moreover according to some studies, the increase is going to keep its speed and will continue exponentially in the next twenty years. Keeping that in mind, the primary problem that we consider as human beings is the potential adequacy of the natural sources and the actual/possible injustice in the distribution of this wealth. However, this is probably not the most important issue caused by overpopulation. As the human beings, we are harming our environment as we reproduce excessively and we cause permanent disruptions in the ecological balance of our planet.
We keep wasting our limited usable water sources, we do not act in accordance with sustainable development goals, we are not aware enough to global warming and we keep harming the ecosystems day by day. Returning again to the problem of the adequacy and the actual/possible problems about the injustice in the distribution of natural sources among humanity. As the aware youth around the globe, we believe that wealth-based polarization is something that should be a thing of the past in the times we live in. However, today, approximately one out of ten people still do not have enough pecuniary advantage to maintain their life with good health conditions. Poverty and inequality problems are the most significant factors that jeopardize our health and well-being worldwide.
To give an example, hunger in Africa causes the death of more people each year than the deadly diseases like malaria. More than three out of four developed countries in the world are laced with possible dangers of becoming water-poor in thirty years. If we won‘t take action to deal with overpopulation problem across the continents as soon as possible, these terrible harms we create on the ecosystem and the social, cultural and humanitarian crises caused by the problems of poverty and inequality will arrive at a crescendo in the next decades.
Furthermore, considering whether overpopulation in the world can have any positive effects on humanity, the only possible option that I consider is the contribution of the human power in the world to the development of technology and progress in our scientific knowledge. But still, I am not pretty sure about the development of technology and the progress in the knowledge will have certain positive effects on the ecological balance in the long term. In conclusion, the negative effects caused by overpopulation on the world seem more convincing than the possible positive effects of it and I believe that we need to take action in no time to prevent overpopulation and its negative effects.