A Brief Description of Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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HBCU is an abbreviation of something, It could be, “Having Basil Calling U,” or “Happy Birthday Catherine Upshaw.” To your surprise, it’s not any of those things. It stands for “Historically Black Colleges and Universities.” Now, you may be wondering “What does that mean?” and “why did someone create these schools?” Well, let me explain. An HBCU is a college or university founded to educate students of African American descent. These kinds of colleges were founded when blacks weren’t allowed to attend other institutions. For example, Harvard was founded in 1636 and only accepted white males at the time. It was only until 1850 that they began to accept blacks and 1920 until they admitted their first woman. That’s also another reason why all female colleges/universities were founded as well.

It was created as a way for people to get an education that couldn’t from the standard universities. As you may or may now know, Halboro-Horsham High School is 75.9% percent while and only 5.6% black, according to School Diggercom, l have been here for around 4 years and so far. I’ve only had 2 black teachers and one of those is Pier Carey. Carey is a math teacher and primarily teaches Geometry. She went to many colleges and universities and earned multiple degrees from Spelman College, Georgia Tech, and Seton Hall University. If I talked about all these colleges in great detail. I’d be here forever, so I‘ll just talk about Spelman.

Spelman College is an HBCU and a women‘s college that Carey went to and earned a degree in Mathematics. Growing up in a primarily white area she wanted to go to school with people that looked like her and wanted to be taught by people that looked like her as she didn’t get much of that experience growing up. Another reason she decided on Spelman “Another reason she wanted to Spelman was because it is an academically rigorous school where the people are the top of their class, AKA the best and the brightest. I talked to someone else who also attended an HBCU from Hatboro-Horsham by the name of Ms Asia. She attended Delaware State University, another HBCU, and currently works at Hatboro-Horsham in SAP. She said, “due to my upbringing I wanted to do better in going to school with students that looked like me and motivated me.“

She mentioned she didn’t thrive in adolescent schooling and the people at Delaware State helped to motivate her. She joined multiple clubs and met many different people from all different states, which she didn’t expect as she was going to a state school. When she began at Delaware State University, she originally wanted to major in education but switched to social work in her sophomore year because of her passion to help kids who struggled like she did and to open her own daycare. AKA, another abbreviation that does not stand for As Katherine Knows Al or Amazing Kind Asher, stands for Alpha Kappa Alpha, which is a historically black sorority.

If you don‘t know what a sorority is, I’ll give you the textbook definition: “a club of women specifically: a women’s student organization formed chiefly for social purposes and having a name consisting of Greek letters.” There‘s also something similar to this for men, which is called a fraternity. These organizations form in college and are committed to a sister/brotherhood and contribute service to their community among many other activities as well, A historically black Greek organization serves the same purpose as a historically black college does, to give the experience others couldn’t get because of their race. Two people from Hatboro-Horsham have contributed and been a pan of these organizations. Carey is a pan of AKA and the assistant superintendent of Hatboro- Horsham pledged Delta Sigma Theta. another historically black sorority. So, as you can see there are many attributes to an HBCU and historically black Greek life. Black or not, it’s a fantastic way to get involved and expand your education.

These types of organizations can help you learn about topics standard universities don‘t teach, give you extensive connections, give you a powerful experience and more! Even if you don’t think it’s right for you, reading about it is a wonderful way to learn about something you don’t know much about and/or expand your knowledge Carey said she has benefited from her HBCU experience tremendously and remembers it. She made lifelong friends and enjoyed learning from her professors. Carey has done much in her life, worked many different types ofjobs from engineering to fashion industry and acquired multiple degrees She describes herself as loyal and genuine but seeing from her achievements lets add ingenious to that list.

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A Brief Description of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-brief-description-of-historically-black-colleges-and-universities/

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