Will the United States Remain the Most Powerful Country in the World

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A British online newspaper, The Independent, has published an article about ‘‘the US remains the world’s most powerful country’’ even though its ongoing national emergencies are always menacing its predominance on other countries. Gun violence, the national debt, the border crisis, and the government shut down are some of the most disturbing problems affecting our nation. The United States’ political and social issues weaken the country and threaten its position as the world’s most powerful country.

The government shutdown, which lasted more than two months lack of agreement on the budget between Democrats and Republicans, has weakened the United States politic. Tim Carman, from Washington Post, claims that during the government shut down, many governments workers were depending on the general population of the United States to enable them to nourish their families. Everyone knows that the government employees are the people who make the country work, because they play a big and important role in the country’s safety and management. Wilbur Ross, commerce secretary of the United States, argued in the Daily Beast newspaper that ‘’ air controllers are calling in sick in pretty large numbers.’’

Air traffic controllers are responsible for the control, the safety and the management of air traffic. They are important for the safety of our country. This action could explain why Trump lost the majority of the House of Representatives. Indeed, Democrats have taken possession of the House in the midterm elections last November and they will not let Donald Trump vote the budget for the wall at the Mexican border. This political crisis gives a very bad image of the United States to the rest of the word. Indeed, putting thousands of Americans in very uncomfortable financial situations just to get the wall built gives us an idea about how irresponsible the government is.

The government shutdown highlighted the financial fragility of millions of American householders, victim of debt burden. The United states is the biggest debtor in the world and most of American live with a heavy debt. Indeed, the massive spending widens the budget deficit, forcing the United States to live, more than ever, on borrowings. Even though the economy of the United States is doing well, recall that the country has one of the strongest economy powers in the world, there is cause for concern.

The government has also shown its failure on providing housing to immigrant children at the Mexican borders. In fact, Trump’s determination on his promise to build a border wall has obscured his acts and decisions. The government is currently mistreating Mexicans people at the border. We all witnessed the migrant being teargassed by patrol agents, the children being separated from their parents, and being judged as criminal. Therefore, Amnesty international accused the United States of Rights violations on Mexico border. D. Gallagher and G. Sands, from CNN politics newspaper, affirm that, the Department of Health and Human Administrations would never again require fingerprint verification for every grown-up individual from a sponsor family unit when the sponsor postulate to take in unaccompanied minor. Consequently, the children will not be safer in sponsor homes than in the shelter. This decision has shown again how irresponsible the government is and how it is being overtaken by the events.

The issue that the whole world is talking about is gun violence. Indeed, the country has a serious problem in guns control that threaten the safety of millions of Americans. Gun violence results in hundreds of deaths and injuries every single year, so that every parent is worried about their kid’s safety. We all remember the shootings that happened in several schools in Texas. Gun violence is a major crisis in the country today and the government does not seem to have any control on it. Gun violence is not the only social issue, other social issues that the government is being overtaken by are sexual harassment and discrimination.

Today in US there is a large number of sexual harassments at school, at work, etc. but also sex discrimination that a lot of women are victims of. In the twenty first century, there is still discrimination against African Americans. It’s hard to believe that unfortunately there are many victims of segregation today in the US, it could be for a job or at school…etc.

Education is facing many critical problems. Education is the most important factor in the development of a country. Can we say that because The United States is the most powerful country in the world, it has the best educational system? We are far from the excellent education system. The United States probably has the best university in the world.

To conclude, the United states will still remain the most powerful country in the world for some decades, but with all the problems that the country face today we will not be surprise if it will be surpassed by another country.

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Will the United States Remain the Most Powerful Country in the World. (2021, Aug 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/will-the-united-states-remain-the-most-powerful-country-in-the-world/

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