Why I Want to Work in Public Health Area

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My godmother, who had spent her entire career as a nurse, lost her life due to malpractice, shortly after retirement, after a surgical procedure. Public health is an area of study that would allow me to work with both researchers and practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds, including race, ethnicity and nationality. Along with the wide range of people I would come in contact with it would also afford me the opportunity to help in the variety of ways.

Public health workers are known as problem solvers, I would like to learn how to find solutions to local and global health issues. I’ve also found it remarkable how public health workers are able to identify health risks, and then formulate a plan to resolve those risks. Public health workers frequently are tasked with fighting perplexing diseases and developing prevention programs I have also constantly enjoyed challenges, whether it be academic or social, the feeling of accomplished, with no public acknowledgement or external reward, has always left me with a great sense of satisfaction.

The most important reason I want to be In Public Health is because I want to help improve the health and well begin of people and their communities. A career that will allow me to make a lasting impression to improve the society I live in. In pursue of my goal as a Health worker there were a few volunteer opportunities I participated in an attempt to try and better my local and global community.

My time at Arizona State was spent volunteering at ‘Feed my Starving Children’ an organization that strives to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world and ‘Valley of the Sun United Way’, a nonprofit organization, whose goal is to break the cycle of poverty in the Maricopa County, doing so by fighting for children, families and neighborhoods. As part of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity at ASU we organized several blood drives by United Blood Services, the largest turnout being a few weeks after the Las Vegas shootings. ‘Project C.U.R.E’ the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries, at times I saw some of the medical supplies I was helping to pack and load on its way to Ghana.

I was born in Ghana, spending my much of my adolescence there. Ghana’s medical issues are on par with many developing nations, riddled with women’s health issues, infection and traumatic injuries. I was able to see first-hand how a lack of health policies and practice affect those close to me. A motor vehicle accident resulted in close family friend, a neighbor, having her left leg amputated. A few weeks later she died from an injection. As a six year old seeing my best friend go through the pain on loosening her mother was unbearable, it felt me with a feeling of helplessness. To this day medical errors continue to occur, which have included wrong diagnosis, surgical procedures and medication.

I strive to be a Public Health worker because I want to aid in making the world a place where a person’s socioeconomic status doesn’t affect their health status.

Even though I have not acquired the experience needed to work effectively in the Public Health sector during the duration in pursue of a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry there were steps I took to better under the different concentrations available in Public Health. Some of my courses while attending Arizona State included; ‘cancer-mother of all diseases’, ‘Culture in a globalizing world’, ‘introduction to global health’, and ‘women, gender, and society’, ‘simulation and excising’, Health Administrator is one of the many Public Health concentrations that interest me.

As a Healthcare Administrator I know that without being able to do my job effectively and efficiently doctors and nurses wouldn’t be able to do their jobs well. I have the skills needed to be the person to keep a hospital or healthcare facility organized, on budget and efficient. I have held positions that required me to keep a budget, so that’s a concept I’m familiar with.

I am always willing to take the position of leadership, a trait needed to be a healthcare manager. The challenges I have faced in my live so far leads me to believe I am more than capable of managing a team of health professionals, overcoming hurdles to provide excellent care for patients and tacking the more challenging issues in healthcare. I have a passion for efficiency and being part of system that delivers the best possible care to patients. Working as a medical office scribe in an Orthopedic office, I’m able to contribute to the excellent delivery of care overall.

Working as a scribe has allowed me the chance to shadow a physician, seeing how he handles being in busy and stressful environments. I have better learned about the importance of teamwork, seeing the level of respect from physicians to physician assistances to medical assistances. This position has exposed me to the medical field, from learning about medical records to listening to patients, not just about their physical ailments but understanding how the system works. Having insight knowledge of what patients are looking for when it comes to their care and how they want to be treated.

The university of Arizona has always been a school that has always peaked my interest, applying and being accepted during my undergrad application process. The Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public stands above all programs in the state of Arizona, a place I have called home the past 15 and a half years. Through research of the program I have learned about the tremendous offers offered to the students, from education, research to community involvement.

The hands on experienced gained in this program is second to none. The college of Public Health offers a diverse and culturally rich environment, a place I believe I can strive in the search of continued education; skills learned that would separate me from the crowd. Admission the public health college would afford me the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in the core area of public health knowledge, while developing expertise in the specific area of practice.

I intend to purse a Masters in order to hone my skills to become an effective Public health worker, working particularly to help address the health and educational needs of the underserved population. With my upbringing, personal experiences I can bring a diverse perspective on our problems can be resolved. I plan to work with other Public Health officials and community leaders with a focus on the minority population. In addition, I have future plans to work in academics as well as hospital and medical facilities.

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Why I Want to Work in Public Health Area. (2021, May 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-want-to-work-in-public-health-area/

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