Who Am I and How I Change Personal Essay

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Who Am I. It’s a simple statement and seems that it’s uncomplicated to answer. All the time, I answer by listing off my name, my age, where I was born, who are my parents and my siblings, hobbies and interests and so on. But when you think deeply about it, it’s a lot more complicated, and it’s really difficult to answer.

Some people will never see certain sides of me, some may think I’m mean, some may think I’m helpful and kind, some may think I’m blunt and reckless and all of these defines who I am in their own perspective. For my own perspective, I’m totally outgoing and awkward, I believe, but pair me up with people I’m not close with and I’ll be shy as the squarrel. I still consider myself a dependent person at this moment, I still depend for my mother financially and for my friends, sometimes, academically. I like procrastinating so much that someone would have to push me to be productive, and I assumes that it’s one of my bad traits. Despite that, I will always appreciate all the people that helped, in various ways throughout my life. I am someone who believes that everyone should live their lives however they want as long as they’re really happy and doesn’t hurt anyone to achieve their goal. It’s not my place to impose in their life, and I’ll never push my personal beliefs on anyone, even to someone I’m close to. I respect all their own beliefs and I appreciate it if they also do so to me. I also believe that respect is an important characteristic in our life to be a decent human being, and to also be respected by others. As they say “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” if you want to be treated well, you should treat others well.

Who I am do always change as I get older, it takes time to evolve. We change; either for the better or, unfortunately, for the worse. We learn from our experience and it is beautifully amazing how everything around us had contributed a huge part of making us of who we truly are. Experience can change everything, I know for myself that I’m not the same person I am now compared to when I was in my teenage years. We often feel like who we are is defined by others on how they view us, and there is another side of who you are when you’re by your own. And I think that you’ll begin to recognize who you truly are when no one’s got their eyes observing you, yourself is the only one who will fully acknowledge your own uniqueness. It’s a bit cliché, but we’re all different in our own ways.


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Who Am I and How I Change Personal Essay. (2021, Jan 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/who-am-i-and-how-i-change/

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