Tina Kelley’s Writing Process

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Tina Kelley is a award winner writer. She contacted via skype in our class to discuss how to be a better writer. She gave an example of her own story of how she became a good writer. She got a negative in writing back in high school. She found people that were negative. Kelley gave us some important rules to follow to be a better writer. She answered some questions asked by the students and she explained each of them. Kelley’s visit to our class helped us develop as a writer by giving different techniques about writing such as, writing main ideas, keeping a journal, proofreading and doing different activities. Kelley explained how writing main ideas and points before starting any final draft helps you develop as a writer.

The writer gave her example by saying, “I always write my main points of the topic before writing my final paper”. This shows how the writer gave everyone different types of techniques which helps the students to improve their writing. Many students start their final paper without knowing the main ideas of the topic. They start writing the things that comes to their mind at that time and sometimes students forget the main point of the topic. This supports Trimble when he says, “What I’ve learned to do when I sit down to work on a shitty first draft is to quiet the voices in my head” (59). This supports Kelley’s way of writing and explaining to the students in the class.

Both of the writers have similar ways of techniques to make students improve in writing. Trimble teaches in his book how to write a draft. He explains how opening paragraph, middle paragraph, and end paragraph should be written in his book. What preparation you do to start any final draft or write a book. The same way Kelley teaches the students how to write important notes about the topic as soon as you think something related to the topic. For example, “You want your readers to buy two things: your ideas and you, their source. That is, you want them to view your ideas as sound and interesting, and to view you as smart, informed, direct, and companionable” (Trimble 5).

This way it teaches us the students how to improve and start writing main ideas of the topic before writing any paper. Kelley discussed how keeping a journal and using it everyday helps you become a better writer. Keeping a journal means writing whatever you feel like because no one is going to check your journal or what you wrote is right or wrong. But writing everyday something makes improvements in writing. Kelley herself keeps a journal and use it everyday. “I keep a journal, I write everyday whatever comes to my mind” (Kelley). In the other hand, Trimble also says in his book how keeping a journal helps students to be a better writer.

Keeping a journal does not mean to write correctly and neatly but it helps to make writing better. Kelley taught how writing everyday, anything you want makes the writers writing improve. In one of Kelley writing, she writes, “I’d write even if each page’s only destination were the stove, for winter heat. Again and again” (Three poems by Tina Kelley). Kelley explained to the students how proofreading helps your writing to have more power. She explained how we think a lot while writing a paper. Hence, we make errors and mistakes. Proofreading helps one’s writing make more powerful by not making the mistakes we make before reading the paper and handing in.

Kelley said, “Always read your final draft before handing in”. She explained how when someone’s read our paper they should think that they made an effort to write this paper and read twice before turning in. This supports Trimble writing. Trimble have a chapter in his book which is called proofreading. He gave an example of his when he was a student at Berkeley. He states, “If a writer can’t be trusted with so mechanical a task, what then, Mr. Rierson, ca be trusted with?’ (Trimble 119). This shows how making mistakes in the draft can be something that reader can’t accept. Donald H. Ross said in Trimble book, “Don’t expect your reader to accept a piece of writing that you wouldn’t accept yourself” (Trimble 118). This is what exactly Kelley is trying to say to the students. How not to make mistakes.

Read twice, thrice before handing in the paper. This is the best way students can write better. Kelley does exercise every morning and takes a break while writing. She said to the students how writing all day might have a negative effect and writing can change because you do the same thing without taking any break. Kelley says, “she can’t write 8 hours a day without bringing a change”. Kelley takes a 5 mins breaks everytime she is tired or getting bored of writing. Kelley also tell the students to take a break when someone write continuously and without taking any break. It does not make our brain bored and stress. She gave an example of herself saying she does exercise every morning to keep dedicated towards her work of writing.

Lastly, the writer responded to the questions students asked her. She answered most of the question briefly and understandably. She made explain everything that was asked. She answered questions such as, “In what ways can you the writer sound more confident?” She answered the question and explained to students how writing draft without making any mistakes like semicolons, commas, parentheses, colons, etc. She told how everyone makes mistakes and it is not wrong to make mistakes but how to fix it after reading it again as much as you can. Kelley also explained her writing process.

How Kelley writes her paper and books. She explained the way she starts the writing by making notes of if first and then writing the paper and lastly she proofreads it everytime. Kelley’s visit to our class helped us develop as a writer by giving different techniques about writing such as, writing main ideas, keeping a journal, proofreading and doing different activities. The writer’s visit to our class can help the students develop as a writer with using this techniques which Kelley taught to the students. She explained to the students how reading your paper again and again helps you to improve your draft. She answered the questions asked by the students which helped them to be a better writer.


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Tina Kelley’s Writing Process. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/tina-kelleys-writing-process/

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