The Use of the English Language as a Form of Discipline

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English is the most widely spoken language in the world; this in itself makes it a significant course in colleges. It has been estimated that by the end of 2014, about half of the globe’s population has at least some form of literacy in English as a language, and culture. This is the main reason why the English language is commonly referred to as the language of the world. With some knowledge of English, it is possible for one to live, and or survive anywhere in the globe. This is because there is no single region across the world that does not have at least one person who has some form of cognition of the English language. This makes the study of English important in the contemporary highly globalized world.

For many scholars, English is regarded as a gateway to understanding the culture of English-speaking nations. Therefore, studying English translates to cultural orientation, awareness and understanding. As a discipline, English usually expresses how cultures and the language itself, have evolved over time and how it has contributed to current cultures in English-speaking nations. As a discipline, English entails studying literature as well as audio and visual materials that have been developed in the English language. The other areas of study when it comes to English as a discipline include English linguistics and English sociolinguistics. Understanding these attributes commonly results in individuals becoming more aware of English as a language and its impact and influence on culture.

As a leading global language, there is a lot of academic material that has been written in the English language. This means that to learn other courses, it is important for students to have an understanding of English This is the main attribute that makes English an important minor disciplines Researchers have identified that students who have an appropriate understanding of English are able to achieve successful performance in their studies because they are able to understand the materials that they are reading or being taught. Most importantly, they are able to understand the questions and or problems in the tasks, tests and examination that they are provided with in the course of their studies.

It is this understanding that allows them to respond appropriately and in turn achieve high grades. Furthermore, English has been identified as being a simple language that fosters the understanding of theories, formulas and concepts. There are many concepts and theories that cannot be effectively understood when they are expressed in their original language, yet they become easier to understand after they have been translated into English. Furthermore, the English discipline is associated with a host of careers which the learners can decide to choose English as a major discipline entails student analyzing, interpreting, and reflecting upon, literature and other artistic work that has been presented in the English language. This is an attribute that results in the students developing enhanced cognitive capabilities.

What this means is that the English discipline makes students more analytical and cognizant of their environment in regard to how it relates to language and culture. This is because the discipline makes them become more critical in their thinking and this is an important life skills. The same skills are quite relevant in a number of career fields including research, writing, public relations, law, publishing, editing, philosophy, finance and teaching. Some examples of common courses in the English discipline as a major subject include literary theory, creative writing, academic writing, literature, poetry, films, drama, social sciences, linguistics, law, journalism and philosophy of language.

Students who undertake English as a discipline, whether as a minor or major course, are able to appreciate both language and culture. They can identify and appreciate how the language has evolved over time, its integration with culture, and its relevance in the modern globalized times. Furthermore, the language allows them to effectively articulate themselves when they are interacting and integrating with diverse populations. The careers that students who study English can choose from include among others acting, law, business, journalism, teaching, marketing, writing, publishing, advertisement and public relations.

It has also been noted that students of English discipline also make good leaders and managers in organizations because they are able to express their ideas, orders and concerns clearly. These are just some of the reasons why the language is an integral part of colleges and why students are encouraged to undertake the English discipline. Additionally, existing trends suggest that the English language continues to spread and evolve each and every day, hence it would be prudent for students to ensure that they equip themselves with an understanding of the language, and they can achieve this through undertaking English classes in colleges.

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The Use of the English Language as a Form of Discipline. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-use-of-the-english-language-as-a-form-of-discipline/

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