The Philosophies of Tillich in the Diary of Anne Frank

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My understanding of Tillichs courage to be is that hes talking about something broader, Courage means something that permeates our whole being. Courage is not unique to humans but comes from behind everything that exists. Being is something that everything has In common. Out of beingness itself gives rise to courage. Courage is self-affirmation in spite of, that is in spite of that which tends to prevent the self from affirming itself. Courage is a human act; an ethical concept, selfraf‘firmation of ones being. Tillich is an existentialist. He would say that one chooses fate. Any authority does not define what it means to be human. Existence takes precedence over essence and holds that man is totally free and responsible for his acts and that this responsibility is the source of dread and anguish that encompass him. Humans have a choice to act, Perfect self-affirmation is not an isolated act that originates in the individual being but is participation in the universal or divine act of self-affirmation, which is the originating power in every indivrdual act.

When we live in accord to what God created us to be we are not lost in our desires or driven by our fears, We have the power to go beyond ones self, Livtng creatively is how we choose to live before we die. We have the courage to overcome the anxieties of life and move beyond them. Nonrberng is that which denies being. When we live courageously when we push ourselves. we find nonrbeing and being. When we live in away that says this is my life and this is how I choose to live it, this is the courage to be. When we do not live according to a dictating society and be ourselves, choosing how we Will live our lives this is the courage to be and we find our own sense of being. Finding courage is not only on an individual level, We also need to have the courage to be a part. It takes courage to participate in the world and to enter into relationships with other human beings.

The movie/book that I think represents some of Tillichs philosophy is The Diary of Anne Frank. The diary of Anne Frank Journeys back to the early nineteenth century, when NaZi forces occupied Germany during World War II. Through her diary she leads us through the harsh times of a family trying to escape imprisonment in concentration camps by Nazi soldiers. The lives of those people Iivrng in this territory were spent in constant fear and anxiety. Anne Frank was a German-JeWish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. Until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, she and her family, along With four others, spent over two years hiding in an annex of rooms above her fathers office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During the two years in hiding which Anne refers to as a time when the ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when the worst side of human nature predominates, when everyone has come to doubt truth, justice, and God.

Anne kept a diary where she recorded her feelings, emotions, and her thoughts as well as the events that happened to her. Anne Franks’s diary is written during her adolescent years while she is in an enclosed space With little privacy. Her account offers a commentary on human courage and frailty and a selfrportrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose life was tragically cut short. Anne continually struggles With the search for her own identity. Throughout most of the diary Anne questions herself and tries to figure out what kind of person she is. She tries to be good in the way that her parents want her to be, berates herself for her selfishness, and agonizes over the fate of her friends, Anne comes to the realization that it is unfair for her to be compared to her sister Margot because they are very different people. This is an indicator of her maturity and shows how she is becoming her own person.

Anne had to struggle with the fear that their hiding place would be discovered. her sense of loneliness, her concern that no one would ever understand her, becoming a woman, and her harsh living conditions. She continues to keep up her reputation as a chatterbox and does her best to make life livable for the people around her. Anne resolves to go about life as cheerfully as she can, and not to focus too much on misery that she cannot change. She tries to live the best life that she can under tragic conditions. Anne continually asks herself about the type of person that she is: What does it mean that Germans despise me because I am a Jew? Am I Virtuous? Am I too selfish and childish?

How should I feel about those on the outside, who are suffering? Anne uses these questions in her quest for her identity. She uses them to define who she is and who she wants to be. She does not accept Hitlers repression of Jews. She does not believe that Jews are inferior because of the restrictions they are forced to endure, She also comes to realize that she is not strong enough to live without meaningful human contact. Towards the end of the diary she comes to the crucial conclusion that although she may not be the way others would like her to be. she is her own person and she respects herself. Anne Frank also says that its really awonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and so Impossible to carry out.

She says that she keeps them because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. It is at this time that we watch the moVIe. The conclusion that I have drawn from this movie is that TIIIIChS philosophies can be seen throughout the story of Anne Frank. She was a courageous young woman who. although had times of despair, tried to find meaning in her life. She did not define herself. as others would like her to be but became her own person. She lived her life as best she could under the circumstances. She found the courage to have her own sense of being.

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The Philosophies of Tillich in the Diary of Anne Frank. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-philosophies-of-tillich-in-the-diary-of-anne-frank/

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