An Analysis of the Book, Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl Written By Anne Frank

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The book, Anne Frank The Diary of a young Girl is written by Anne Frank. The book has so many main characters but the three I picked all had a different part to the story. The first is Anne Frank, she was a 13 year old girl when she started her diary and was almost 16 when she died. She and the rest of her family, her mother, father and sister Margot all lived in the Secret Annex before they were caught and taken to camps. Then there is Miep and Elli they helped the Frank and Van Daan families while they lived in the Secret Annex. They brought food, gifts, provided them with news of what was happening in the city Then there is Adolf Hitler he was the man behind the hatred. He blamed the Jews for all the problems, and described them as aliens and the inferior race in Germany. He started the concentration camps that Jews were sent to and killed at. Altogether he put to death millions of Jews and other races.

In the beginning of the book Anne and her family are still doing their daily tasks; going to school and work. But on July 9, 1942 they went into the Secret Annex until then Anne did not know about the plan. She had noticed for a few months that their necessities for life were being sent away. They were going to the Secret Annex early so things were not properly set up. Within the next few days the Van Daan family also moved in this now made a total of seven people living in the Secret Annex. All seven lived in the Secret Annex for over two years until August 4, 1944. During those two years in the Secret Annex they had to be very careful; they had rules such as no flushing the toilet during the day, they could have no running water of any kind, no talking from 8 am to 6pm, they had to be careful to not remove the curtains from the windows, they had to be careful of the light they used at night, there could be no trash any trash you had had to be burned over the stove, and they couldnt leave the Secret Annex for anything. Then there were the relationships between all seven of the people living there. There were arguments and disagreements over sizes of food. There were arguments because of Anne being rude and unlady like. Mr. Van Daan started a lot with Anne as he always had something to say to her.

Anne diary ends on August 4, 1944, when the Grune Polizei made a raid on the Secret Annex. All the occupants, along with Kraler and Koophuis, were arrested and sent to German and Dutch concentration camps. The rode to the concentration camp with about 70 other Jews among other people also. They were all in one railroad car. The railroad car had no bathroom only a pail aboard it so it smell and bad health. They were on the railroad train for three days and nights with no food to eat. Anne wasnt sent to the gas chambers because she appeared older then she actually was. Most of the women were told to strip down naked and then there hair was cut off. They received only one meal a day. They were originally sent to Westerbork but on September 3 they got into another train and went to Auschwitz in Poland. There is where men and women were separated and that is the last time Otto Frank saw his family. In October 1944 the three Frank women were in the youngest and strongest group and moved to Belsen in Germany. Then Mrs. Frank died at Auschwitz on January 6, 1945.

Anne Frank never lived to turn 16 years old. She died three months before her 16th birthday and two months before the liberation of Holland, the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Her diary was found on the floor of an abandoned apartment in Amsterdam, Holland. Her father was the only one to survive out of the Frank family.

Ive read the book a couple times before now, but it is still good. I dont think anyone could change this book in any way. It is Anne Franks innermost thoughts, fears, and a reality of how it was living in the Secret Annex. This book was so honest that I dont understand how some people still do not believe that this actually happened. I hope that people who read the Diary of Anne Frank know that this actually happened. As Anne said in her book about how she wanted to be remembered. She has lived on through her dairy. Her voice is still being heard today and people are still hearing her story. That is what I think bout The Dairy of Anne Frank.

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An Analysis of the Book, Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl Written By Anne Frank. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-the-book-anne-frank-the-diary-of-a-young-girl-written-by-anne-frank/

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