The Nature of Victimization

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The nature of victimization falls after the incident of a crime victim. The cause of natural victimization is developed after a crime is committed. Alice had developed the nature of being a victim of her own rape. As she reported her rape to the authorities, she didn’t realize much of the pros and cons of being a victim was. Especially after reporting her rape will do to her. According to the “Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Journal,” one in five women reports a rape and is diagnosed with PTSD or Substances Abuse. The nature of victimization for Alice was to see how rape victims fall into these two diagnoses. It also shows that victims’ will have the nature of victimization will always be incorporated in their life not just for the day it happened. Alice’s first behavior shows us how the nature of victimization can lead you to a never-ending victim cycle.

Rape typology

There are up to six different kinds of rape. The one that is most relatable to Alice Sebold’s case is Power and Control. Gregory Madison who is the rapist of Alice possessed power and control over her during the attack. He approached Alice with dominance at the begging of the incident using verbal intimidation. He spoke to her aggressively using words like bitch to intimidate her.

Gregory demanded and ordering her not to scream as well as threatening her with a weapon. He seeks dominance and intimidation towards Alice. Perpetrators who seek power and control look for a vulnerable target. Gregory took power and control to dominate his vulnerable victim and took the opportunity and place for the crime.

Crime victim

A crime victim is anyone who is an innocent person of a crime who is attacked by a perpetrator that caused physical or emotional harm. Alice is the primary victim of her perpetrator that raped her violently one night on campus. Emotional distress can be triggered along with fear as mentioned. According to the author Siegel, “victims may suffer stress and anxiety long after the incident is over and the justice process has run its course”(p.64). He shows us that PTSD can be developed over time just like in Alice’s case. PTSD is a psychological reaction to highly stressful events; symptoms may include depression, anxiety, flashbacks, and recurring nightmares(Sigel.p.64). Alice developed it after her rape, symptoms by symptom over time. That led Alice to Low Self-Esteem, Fear of Repeat Offense, and Substance abuse.

Routine activity

Routine activity is the availability of a suitable target, the absence of a capable guard, and the presence of a motivated offender (Single, p.77). In the case of Alice’s incident, there were many factors that made her a vulnerable target for her perpetrator. She made herself an accessible vulnerable target, being a young woman who walked herself home alone through a college party night. There was no capable of guardian nearby to secure her safety and walked through campus on a walkway with a small amount of light. Gregory was a motivated offender waiting for the perfect target in a solitary space.

Rational choice theory

Rational choice views that crime is carefully planned, and situational factors such as target availability. Speculating that Gregory Madison planned out a crime to commit that night. solitary nearby students were partying on campus. Assuming he was waiting for a possible target because he was an area where there was no light. Choosing the place of crime is where criminals carefully choose where they will commit their crime (Siegel, p.98) As well as creating scripts with experiences, criminals created behavior scripts that guide their interactions with victims (Siegel, p.99). Gregory scripture was to be aggressive since the start than at the end repent of what he did.


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The Nature of Victimization. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-nature-of-victimization/



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