The Importance of Time Management on a Student’s Collegiate Success

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Time management is a crucial part of a student’s collegiate success. Students sometimes have trouble managing their time because they either have too many tasks to complete or it‘s just their pure laziness. Proof of this can be found simply in the dorm commons area. There are at least two televisions running a game system at the same time in the Commons. And most of the students playing the games have an assignment due the following day. I know this because I have fallen victim once or twice to the lure of the game system. Looking back at the time management graph, I noticed that on Monday. Tuesday, and part of Wednesday I spend my days getting all of my homework done for the week.

I choose to do this so that the rest of the week I can somewhat relax and spend time with friends. I’ve been doing this since I’ve been here and it has turned out to be very productive use of my time. It allows me to buckle down and study hard on all my subjects for the first three days. Moreover, it allows me to know that when I finish, I can finally relax and enjoy my time here at liberty. Being consistent in the way you utilize your time is crucial for success in college. When having to complete a large set of assignments, it is necessary to organize and arrange certain tasks to complete within a certain time.

For example, spending one hour on math followed by 45 minutes on history followed by 30 minutes in music. If you perform this once or twice a day, you even out the workload thereby reducing your stress levels. As I mentioned before, persevering through the collegiate environment will give one a sense of accomplishment, therefore boosting morale and giving encouragement. Good time management in college will also prepare you for meeting your deadline in your future job. In college missing a deadline for a paper will lose you some points. In a job, you could potentially be fired‘ Therefore, it is absolutely a must that students create a habit of utilizing their time efficiently.

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The Importance of Time Management on a Student’s Collegiate Success. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-importance-of-time-management-on-a-students-collegiate-success/

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