The Events That Led Up to the American Revolution

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There were many political motivations and social pressures that contributed to both English Imperialism and English colonization in North America. One thing that happened was that The English coveted what neighboring countries had acquired during expeditions and explorations outside of their home countries. During New World explorations, both Spain and France found riches that allowed them the opportunity to claim new lands and territories. This was cause for the English to want to build new colonies in an effort to prevent Spain and France from taking over everything. In short, the English was in a race to gain power and more territory before either Spain or France could which were considered enemies.

Another reason for these movements was that the Puritans were looking to escape from religious persecution. By colonizing in North America, they believed that they could build a society based on freedom. With the British government gaining more and more control over the colonies’ affairs, people became worried that there was a possibility that they would lose their freedom entirely. Also, the English in an attempt to increase wealth and power began to build colonies in North America. They also believed that they would leave lives of poverty, warfare and disease behind by doing so.

  • Economic Systems
  • Social Characteristics
  • Political Systems

Massachusetts Bay

  • Farming was a popular economic resource for Massachusetts Bay.
  • Fishing was a popular economic resource for Massachusetts Bay.
  • Fur trading was another economic resource for Massachusetts Bay.
  • Laws were tied to Puritan beliefs.
  • Fathers were the head of the households.
  • Everyone that lived in the home with a father had to be submissive to his rule.
  • Puritans controlled the government.
  • Voting required membership to the church.
  • Implemented the Mayflower Compact.
  • General courts were legislature.


  • Tobacco was an important resource.
  • Tobacco was used in trade like currency would be used.
  • The Church of England was to be followed.
  • The father was also the head of the household with this colony.
  • This colony maintained English customs.
  • This colony had a judiciary system.
  • This colony had governors.
  • Thomas Jefferson originated from this colony.
  • Patrick Henry also originated from this colony.

The Carolinas

  • Tobacco was an important resource in NC.
  • Forestry was an important resource in NC also.
  • Rice was an important economic resource in SC.
  • Indigo was also an important resource in SC.
  • Fathers were the head of the household also in this colony.
  • Only the rich were able to have slaves.
  • Wives were over the household chores.
  • Mothers were the teachers of their daughters.
  • This colony had governors.
  • This colony had a judiciary system.
  • This colony had a court system.
  • This colony was eventually split into two separate colonies.

Task 1 Part C

There were numerous ideas and events that led up to the American Revolution. The first thing that happened was the Stamp Act being introduced. It was implemented in March of 1770. This event brought uneasiness among the colonists. They were very unhappy when the British imposed this tax on them. This tax meant that every public document would need to have this stamp.

The second thing that led up to the American Revolution was the Boston Massacre. This also happened in March of 1770. This event occurred when 5 of the colonists from Boston were shot by the British troops.

Another thing that led up to the American Revolution Was the Boston Tea Party which happened in December of 1773. This happened when the British yet again began to tax more items. This time the taxed item was tea. This caused an uproar among some of the Boston colonists. These colonists referred to themselves as the Sons of Liberty. These colonists began to board the British ships carrying the tea and threw all of the crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.

One of the last things to happen before the Revolution began was the meeting of the First Continental Congress. This happened in 1774. This is when the colonists gathered to make their opposition against all of the taxes the British were imposing.

Task 1 Part D

The American Revolution had an effect on many different diverse groups. The first group affected were the Native Americans. Unfortunately, the effects of the revolution weren’t in the Native American’s favor. The revolution was a cause for the openings of western settlements. In turn, governments were formed that were unfavorable to the land claims of the Native Americans. During the time of this loss of land, the natives were being pushed in the westward direction which impacted and changed many of their lifestyles. The revolution was a major reason for the natives to form smaller reservations to live on.

Another group that would be impacted by the revolution were the African Americans. Since the Continental Army did not accept black soldiers, the British took advantage of the situation offering freedom to any servants or slaves that would go to battle on their side. Many of these many carried different roles in the war which included, spies, soldiers and even patriots. Many of the African American soldiers did receive their freedom after the war. Sadly, the rights that they fought for did not apply to them.

The last group affected that will be discussed is women. A lot of these women stayed home to attend to family affairs while their husbands were off at war. Some chose to do extra work to help financially, while other women participated directly in the war. Women took part as spies, they also took part as Camp Followers, and some even took part by becoming soldiers. Men didn’t believe that women understood what they were talking about so that made women great spies. The Camp Followers took care of the soldiers by doing menial chores around the camps. Though women weren’t officially allowed to fight in the war as soldiers, some women took it upon themselves to dress-up and pretend to be men to get enlisted as a soldier. Although the revolution didn’t bring immediate benefits to women when it was over, it did help in changing the views concerning a woman’s role in society. It also caused many women to become very interested in public affairs.


  • [bookmark: _Hlk535410150]Norton, M.B. (2015).  A people & a nation.  Retrieved from https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/53540310
  • Norton, M.B. (2015). A people & a nation. Retrieved from https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/53540310
  • Norton, M.B. (2015).  A people & a nation.  Retrieved from https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/53540310
  • Nelson, Ken. (2019). American Revolution for Kids: Causes. Ducksters. Retrieved from https://www.ducksters.com/history/american_re
  • Norton, M.B. (2015).  A people & a nation.  Retrieved from https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/53540310
  • Nelson, Ken. (2019). American Revolution for Kids: Causes. Ducksters. Retrieved from https://www.ducksters.com/history/american_re

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The Events That Led Up to the American Revolution. (2022, Nov 01). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-events-that-led-up-to-the-american-revolution/

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