The Controversies Surrounding the Truth Behind the 911 Attacks in the United States

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Introduction: Overviewand Summary Statements

On September 11th 2001, arguably the most tragic event in recent American history took place. A total of four planes were hijacked, three of which met their targets. The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. all took direct hits, claiming 3,000 lives in total. There is great debate over who is responsible for the attacks on 9/11, and both sides are as desperate to be accepted by the public as the “truth”. The officia account of 9/11 as reported by the United States government, claims that nineteen al-Qaeda backed hijackers took control of four commercial airliners and directed three of them into their intended targets. Critics however, are skeptical of this account and believe that there is more to the story. Through analyzing videos, interviewS, documents, historical context and connections, so called “truthers” hold the belief that certain world governments have ulterior motives and are to be held responsible for the attacks on 9/11,namely the Israeli government. The Voice of the Pro Advocates According to the official “9/11 Commission Report’ released by the U.S government, the largest terrorist attack in American history was carried out by al-Qaeda trained hijackers from the Middle East. Their mission was to deal a crippling blow to America and the entire western world in an act of jihad,or “holy war.

For several decades now, America has dealt with Islamic terrorism.mostly abroad in the form of embassy bombings and attacks on venues of political importance. So it comes to no surprise that they have now worked up the effort to carry out an attack on the American mainland. This has been their goal for a long time, and is even explicitly stated in their published strategy that they wish to inflict as much harm as possible on the Western world, especially America. Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks said in “A Letter to the American People” that America was specifically attacked because of their transgressions against the people in the Middle East. All evidence indicates that four airplanes were hijacked on Sept. 11 2001 and three of them reached their intended targets. Excessive planning and specific tactics were used to inflict maximum casualties on the American people. As with many past instances with lslamic terrorism, this was a suicide mission from the beginning. It is common knowledge that building 7 of the wTC complex was not directly impacted by the planes, but did indeed completely collapse. The official report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) regarding the collapse of WTC building 7 clearly outlines the toll taken on the building’s structure from being exposed to heavy amounts of debris and fire from the fall of the North and South towers.

The intense flames in excess of 1000° F lead to the deterioration of the steels strength and essentially turned it into molten hot liquid; causing the entire building to collapse. Americans need to come together and stop blaming their allies, especially their own government for these heinous actions against the American people. We have faced terrorism long before 9/11 and will continue to face it long after. The only way to survive to go after those responsible, not eat each other apart from the inside. The Voice of the Con Critics As much as the global elite try and deceit us about the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, there is still more than enough evidence to indicate that 9/11 was carried out, not by an anti-West terrorist organization in the Middle East, but instead orchestrated by the Israeli government as a pretext to get America and the West involved in a war fought in the Middle East, defending Israeli and Jewish interests.

One of the most concerning pieces of evidence to indicate the lsraeli governments involvement on 9/11 came from the mouth of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu himself, who said “We(Israel) are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” Does this not arouse suspicion? Why would the Prime Minister of a nation allied with America be in support of an attack that killed many thousands of innocent people? The answer is plain and simple. As highlighted above, this massive attack on American soil, through being blamed on Islamic jihadists of Middle Eastern origin, will get America’s military involved in the Middle East. Now Israel won’t have to fight off said Middle Eastern countries by themselves and through these attacks have essentially ensured their continued existence al at the expense of American lives. Judaism by nature is a religion of supremacy that holds the life of the “chosen ones” far above that of the Gentile(non-Jew).

The Talmud even permits the sacrifice of Gentiles and holds this as a sacred act dedicated to God. So it should come to no surprise the Jewish nation of Israel has no regrets when defending the lives of their own at the expense of the ungodly Gentile. Expanding on the aforementioned point, Jewish involvement in the pre and post-9/11 planning, investigation, and cover-up was quite hefty. not to mention unproportional considering Jews make up 10% of the New York State population and only about 26 of the American population. One such Larry Silverstein,the owner of the WTC 7 building who just so happened to be “home” on the day of the attacks is one of the big Zionist key players in 9/11. Everyday, Silverstein would have breakfast every morning in the “Window on the World” in the 107th floor of the North Tower. He would then usually go and visit with new tenants in the building throughout the rest of the day. Not only did Silverstein randomly take off on the day of the massive attack, but he also collected a nice $4.5 Bilion in insurance money.

It’s also vital to know the Silverstein had a very close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and frequently talked to him on a weekly basis. To further understand the joint Israeli and Western based Zionist involvement in 9/11, it’s essentially to point out some of the key players Alvin K. Hellerstein, a judge for the U.S District Court who was directly involved in several high tier 9/11 cases. Hellerstein was a staunch Zionist and even had connections to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Michael B. Mukasey, an Orthodox Jewish judge who oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverman of the WTC 7 building and insurance companies. As mentioned before, Silverstein was awarded $4.5 bilion. Philip Zelikow was the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, the committee in charge of conducting the “oficial” report of 9/11. Zelikow’s report contains many blatant contradictions, omissions, omissions, and falsities.

For example, the report completely fails to mention the collapse of building 7 at 5:20 PM. In looking at the details of 9/11 through a microscope, all the dots line up and indication of Israeli/Zionist involvement becomes very clear. Carrying out the act against America is simplyy futile if there is no response. Israel is smart enough to know that it will take a grandeur act of massive death and destruction to illicit an immediate response from America, one historical example being Pearl Harbor. So Israel not only must orchestrate the attacks, but they also must rely on foreign(American) backers to cover their tails in investigations and reports here in America in order to get off scot free.

Thus pulling off the perfect crime. This brings us to the last, most suspicious, most questioning piece of information regarding Israeli/Zionist involvement in 9/11. The day before 9/11, September 10th 2001, Washington Post ran an article about a 2001 Army School of Advanced Military Studies(SAMS) report on Israeli- Palestinian peace. On the topic of the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, the SAMS report said, “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act”.

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The Controversies Surrounding the Truth Behind the 911 Attacks in the United States. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-controversies-surrounding-the-truth-behind-the-911-attacks-in-the-united-states/

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