Strength And Pride in The Book Things Fall Apart

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‘Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but, when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all.’ (Aristotle). Okonkwo is the ideal example of Aristotle’s quote in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Despite being the most powerful man in Umuofia, Okonkwo’s personal imperfections of fear, failure and uncontrollable anger do not allow him true eminence as a human being.In this book Things Fall Apart, strength and pride are very important aspects of the main character, Okonkwo, however, these characteristics may sound like excellent traits to possess but because of the way he was raised, Okonkwo bared most of his feelings under an outward shell of violence, strength and pride. His traits can be shown by taking a gander at where he has originated from in his life, for instance, Okonkwo has procured a lot of riches in his life due to his diligent work and commitment which he additionally puts towards his family, sadly, his family likewise endures enormously as a result of this because of Okonkwo’s elevated standards of his youngsters, and his brutal ways when they don’t satisfy them.

Furthermore, Okonkwo has shrouded feelings that are like his dads, however, he lives trying to claim ignorance that he is anything like his dad yet he is more similar to him than he might suspect. Lastly, Okonkwo is driven by what his dad isn’t on account of. Okonkwo wouldn’t like to be anything like his dad which makes him settle on ill-advised choices incidentally that could make him recklessly wind up brutal.To end up like his father, Unoka,that is the only thing that he feared the most. In this novel, Okonkwo’s character deliberately broke down and his numerous layers of identity became clearer.Okonkwo has experienced a lot of hardships throughout his life including being dealt with inadequately by his dad who he sees as a hostile to good example in a way which has intensely affected the way he is presently and how he treats himself, and his clan mates. Right off the bat, his consistent want to be as far off from his dad as possible, has made the dread of resembling him or contaminating his existence with apathy and untrustworthiness which gives him a chance to concentrate his opportunity on his clan mates and family.

Also, Okonkwo has distinguished the way his dad raised him and he continually attempted to raise his family contrastingly yet once in a while gave fear a chance to take over him, and he begins to act savage. To add on, Okonkwo’s choice to take in Ikemefuna and keep him in his family demonstrates how he is tolerant of others and will acknowledge another youngster, something his dad most likely would never have done. Okonkwo’s dad unmistakably affected his life, and the choices Okonkwo makes demonstrate his disparities from his dad.Okonkwo’s harboring of his nostalgic feelings is a critical piece of his identity which makes him the way he is, for instance, Okonkwo abhors music in light of the feeling that is required to make it, he rejects the possibility of significant discussion since he views it as delicate, and as he ages, he is dismissing the inexorably evident actuality that brutality does not constitute internal quality. Initially, it is uncovered in the novel that Okonkwo dislikes music and that he is terrible at playing it which demonstrates that he does not have the capacity to express his feelings through tuning in to or making music. Moreover, Okonkwo’s standards disliking discussion and thinking of them as feeble conflicts with the mindset of his town which trusts that ‘discussion is respected exceedingly, and precepts are the palm-oil with which words are eaten.’

In conclusion, as Okonkwo gets more seasoned, he is gradually understanding that his rough ways are not really making him a solid individual but rather are truth be told, gradually devastating him yet Okonkwo declines to acknowledge this and proceeds with his vicious state of mind. Okonkwo experiences difficulty revealing his actual feelings, he could never express them to anybody.Okonkwo may attempt to act ‘masculine’ and solid when within the sight of others, however Okonkwo possesses nostalgic feelings that he claims to see as powerless which make up an imperative piece of him. Right off the bat, when Okonkwo is informed that Ezinma is kicking the bucket, he winds up stressed and anxious of her diminishing and he starts to look for medications with a specific end goal to enable her to improve and challenges the divine beings by following Chielo to the give in of the prophet to make sure that his girl will be alright.

Additionally around this time in the book, Okonkwo goes to Ekwefi and sits with her while Ezinma is taken into the give in of the prophet which demonstrates that he thinks about his better half’s sentiments in spite of his general sharpness towards his spouses. In addition, Okonkwo’s sentiments of pity and misery when Ikemefuna passes on demonstrates that he is fit for trouble and love of his youngsters, even ones who aren’t specifically his. Okonkwo’s masculine outside does not mirror his inside feelings and the inconveniences he has encountered in his life unquestionably affect this.Okonkwo is an exceptionally complex character that has encountered numerous hardships throughout his life which have made him an unpleasant individual outwardly yet at the same time a kind hearted individual within. Okonkwo comprehends what is correct and pays special mind to the general population he thinks about, be that as it may, his childhood, his ‘solid’ mindset, and his perspectives on life have every contorted hello there identity to be significantly colder than how he really is.

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Strength And Pride in The Book Things Fall Apart. (2022, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/strength-and-pride-in-the-book-things-fall-apart/

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