Should English Be mandated National Language Spoken in All States Within the United States or Is It better to Keep the Nation Bilingual?

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The debate which is discussed is whether English should be the mandated national language spoken in all States within the United States or if it is better to keep the Nation bilingual and continue to offer services, such as learning in schools Bilingual. The major points of the argument for making English the official language state that it will be more cost-effective. Rather than printing all resources in English and Spanish, if English was the official language, only English would be printed on everything. Also, rather than needing translators and spending more money on Spanish or Asian resources, only English would be available to everyone. The opponents to this measure argue that it is more cost-effective to have bilingual resources and that the United States is made up of immigrants that speak various languages.

America cannot mandate an official National language when there are so many individuals that speak a different native tongue. Studies indicate individuals perform better when they are taught Bilingual. From a structural functionalist standpoint, it does not make sense to make an official language and mandate that English be the only language spoken because the current trends are toward globalization and expansion. The ability to speak in other languages is a tool rather than a sin to frown upon. The fundamental workings of America are based on various backgrounds and languages creating a unique American culture that is not only English, but The people of the various languages also are interdependent on one another and this cohesion should not be disturbed From a conflict theorist perspective, there is already enough contention and conflict between races and backgrounds.

To mandate an official language would be similar to making Native speakers superior to individuals who speak English as a second language. There is already enough conflict among people, Ethnocentrism is the idea or belief that one ethnicity is superior to the rest. It is judging other groups based on one’s own beliefs, values, standards, and culture. From an ethnocentric perspective, all individuals should be forced to learn and use English because that is what the founding fathers spoke and that is what this country was founded as, an English- speaking country. Xenocentrism is the preference for other individuals’ products, styles, ideas, and customs. By requiring individuals to only speak English, this is basically asking them to become Xenocentrici.

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Should English Be mandated National Language Spoken in All States Within the United States or Is It better to Keep the Nation Bilingual?. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/should-english-be-mandated-national-language-spoken-in-all-states-within-the-united-states-or-is-it-better-to-keep-the-nation-bilingual/

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