Table of Contents
The nursing profession demands the effective provisional care to medical clients regardless of their tribal the first medical scenario,the thesis is applied to integrate the customal competencies of nursing into their nursing profession. These improves the health results of the client since their norms and values network are incorporated and highly regarded in their health plan. The second case on the other hand is based on Watson care thesis, which focuses on seeking mutual ground on meaning and wholeness in the care plan. This thesis lays great emphasis on caring moments healing procedures and creation of a transpersional connection between the client and the healthgiver. It is also effective since it allows the client to be in control of their health.
Leininger’s Custom Care Thesis
Madeleine Leininger’s Custom Care Thesis lays great stress on custom and care as its main componets in nursing. Hypothetical structures abound in nursing, and custom care thesis may be underestimated and mispercieved within nursing discipline. Leininger’s custom care thesis attempts to make available customary or custom oriented accordant in nursing care through “cognitively based assistive, upholding , facilitative, or enabling acts or diagnosis that are mostly tailor-made to fit with individual, group’s, or institution’s customal values, beliefs, and lifeways.” literally trans-customal nursing is a relative research of custom to familiarise one with parallelism (general custom) and contrast (peculiarity in customs) among human class (Leininger, 1991).
The factors that should be deliberated in Mrs Franklin-Jones medical analysis for her discharge based on the leininger’s thesis should be that the nurse in charge should be learned in customal norms of dissimilar customs and should be able to apply this norms, therefore the person’s care plan should contain the appropriate feeding methods that will aid in the recuperating process, during the recuperating period, the patient should be allowed to spend as much time as possible with her sister congrats from her country of origin in order for to ease the burden and calm her psychologically and finally she should be allowed to take her medications with the bush tea in which her sister bring along because in this case the clients believes that it will do a lot of good, therefore that is psychological advantage that should be worked upon.
Importance of Custom Care Diversity in Nursing
The U.S. population consists of members from different racial and ethnic groups and depending on their geographical location, they can either be more or less concentrated. In many cases, Ardoin & Wilson (2010) claim that barriers of communication exist between patients and nurses because of the complexity of various cultures within the U.S. Therefore, as a means to break down these barriers, they advocate for culturally competent nurses to better ensure patient safety. Narayanasamy & White (2005) take it a step further and justify the need for the practice of Trans-customal Nursing and how it is going to be helpful in the future. Diversity in nursing means knowing how to respond if a medical client becomes violent towards you for your custom, gender, or religion, and what to do if a medical professional refuses to give you treatment because you identify as LGBTQ.
Diversity in the Nursing field is highly imperarive because it provides opportunities to administer quality care to patients. Healthcare providers can maximize this potential by learning more about patients’ cultures. In doing so, they are practicing cultural competency or cultural awareness and sensitivity. According to the IOM report, increasing ethnic/racial heterogeneity among health care professionals is imperative because diversity is associated with improved access to care for ethnic/racial minorities, greater patient choice and satisfaction, better patient-clinician communication, and improved training expertises.
In summary, the importance of custom care diversity cannot be overestimated, this is so because the phenomenon brings equal and quality healthcare to the doorstep of all patients, and while doing that improves the health and medical competency of the nurse or health giver and in the process promotes peace and tolerance between dissimilar race and beliefs which improves the healthcare given to any client at a particular period.
Healthcare Plan
The healthcare plan should include:
- Food types that will reduce the recurrence of the ailment which include more fruits associated food, and less fat associated ones. While doing this, this food should be prepared while while having custom diversity in mind, ie it should be prepared in a way that is satisfactory to the traditional norms and customary beliefs of the patient.
- Exercises should be introduced gradually in a respectable manner because they enhance the recuperation
- The patient should be allowed to spend as much time as possible with her kin-members in order to have a feel of home, family,religion and culture.
- Traditional drugs( eg bush tea which the client sister is bring from their home town) can be allowed (only if it doesn’t affect the clinical drugs) in order to feel the client with a sense of customal appropriation and acceptance from the nurse.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Leininger’s Theory
Leininger has improved the Sunrise archetypal in a logical order to demonstrate the interrelationships of the concepts in her thesis of Custom Care homogeneity and Universal comprehensiveness. Leininger’s theory is essentially parsimonious in that the necessary concepts are incorporated in such a manner that the theory and the model can be used in many dissimilar settings. The theory is highly generalizable. Though not simple in terms, it can be easily understood upon first contact (Madeleine M. Leininger, 2011).
Weaknesses of Leininger’s Theory: The theory can be the primary cause of error in making clinical decisions like, misperception of the outcomes and misperception of the worth medical clients place on the results. If nursing application fail to recognize customal aspects of human needs, there will be signs of less efficacious nursing care practices and dissatisfaction with nursing care services. The thesis does not give any attention to disease, symptoms, etc. There is a limitation applicability of static culture framework, lack of attention to the structural ambient in which healthcare issues arise and must be addressed, and the consequent inappropriateness of many healthcare plan based on customal framework. There can be a challenge in adapting or integrating the custom of the other which can be the antecedent of customal shock on the part of the nurses. The thesis is not written in simple terms and can be confusing (Madeleine M. Leininger)
Watson’s Transpersonal Caring Relationship
Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Nursing is defined by caring. … Jean Watson contends that caring regenerates life energies and potentiates our capabilities. The benefits are immeasurable and promote self-actualization on both a personal and professional level. Transpersonal caring focuses on helping patients achieve a more complete sense of harmony within the mind, body.
Upholding Watson’s caring theory not only allows the nurse to practice the art of caring, to provide compassion to ease patients’ and families’ suffering, and to promote their healing and dignity but it can also contribute to expand the nurse’s own actualization. The goal of nursing according to this thesis is concerned with promoting health, preventing illness, caring for the sick, and restoring health.” It focuses on health promotion, as well as the treatment of diseases.
The medical assumptions that the thesis is based on are as follo:
- Caring can be effectively demonstrated and practiced only interpersonally.
- Caring consists of carative factors that result in the satisfaction of certain human needs.
- Effective caring promotes health and individual or family growth.
- Caring responses accept person not only as he or she is now but as what he or she may become.
- A caring environment is one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for himself or herself at a given point in time.
- Caring is more “ healthogenic” than is curing. A science of caring is complementary to the science of curing.
- The practice of caring is central to nursing.
Role of Nursing of Watson’s Thesis
The role of the nurse as described by Watson (2013) describes a transpersonal nurse as one who ‘has the ability to center consciousness and intentionality on caring, healing, and wholeness, rather than on disease, illness and pathology.’ This can be achieved by firstly carefully assessing the client, then lays down a competent and reliable healthplan that suits the client, this includes the collection of data and implementation of the plan and lastly the evaluation process which includes the interpretation of the client to see if and how well he or she she has responded to the treatment
Watson’s Pprtrait of Love in Caring
Dr Watson (Watson, 2008: 39–40) uses the Latin word Caritas, which is defined as love and charity. Using the terms Caritas and Caritas Processes, I intentionally invoke the ‘L’ word: Love, which makes explicit the connection between caring and love, Love in its fullest universal infinite sense. This definition of love is important and evident in caring moment and recuperation processin the sense that caritas(watsons depiction of love) in nurses’ experience and expression of love for patients and others as the benevolent affection of one human person for another that flows through nurses’ inner awareness of their sharing in the infused love of Infinite Transcendent Reality in life processes, this qualities are the most imperatives of qualities for caring for a client.
Creating a Healing Environs
A healing environment is defined as one that has a nurturing and therapeutic effect. Studies show that well-designed hospital environments can reduce patients’ anxiety and stress, accelerate recovery, shorten hospitalizations, reduce medication use, lessen pain, and promote a sense of well-being. A healing environment must be therapeutic before it can be considered as one, therefore the nurse must follow the following factors:
- Supports clinical excellence in the treatment of the physical body.
- Supports the psycho-social and spiritual needs of the patient, family, and staff.
- Produces measurable positive effects on patients’ clinical outcomes and staff effectiveness.
Strength of Thesis
- This theory places client in the context of the family, the community and the culture.
- It places the client as the focus of practice rather than the technology.
Limitations of Thesis
- Biophysical needs of the individual are given less important.
- The ten caratiive factors primarily delineate the psychosocial needs of the person.
- Needs further research to apply in practice.